the HAVE FUN thread

Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I bet next I get drunk I'll lose all control over myself... :rolleyes: I'll sit in the dark corner shouting profanities in latin and listen to Lost Control... eh?

I'm such a good fortuneteller, I almost did what I promised there :rolleyes: even tho it wasn't Lost Control I sang but other melancholic stuff, gathering etc... I bet I was such a pretty sight :lol:

I'm so cold now, shivering...

Here's norwegian for you:


Thank god I haven't done that in years...
Yeh, it's kinda funny how it's always my friends that do things. Like know which porn-movie is watchable or make a fool out of them selves when they're drunk etc. I'm glad I ain't like those dudes.

[edit] seriously tho, what the hell am I saying? My brain must be mal-functioning... gotta get me some coffee. Normal coffee, not that greek-stuff.
i was in the streets of lille the other day and i saw that poster of that hairy chested bastard. have fucking fun wanker :mad: