the HAVE FUN thread


clear enough :) It just seems that people sometimes breakup over really stupid and little reasons like somebody not fitting 100% into your expectations... Back in the old days it wasn't like that (not always atleast). My relatives have been able to keep their marriage inspite of some really heavy drinkin and illusions and violence caused by it. What are a few threats with knives if you really love somebody? :grin:


have we been bad influence on you? :lol:
No. Drunk people are always fascinating cause you don't know what to expect from them. And that's FUN!
Originally posted by Crack Hitler

clear enough :) It just seems that people sometimes breakup over really stupid and little reasons like somebody not fitting 100% into your expectations... Back in the old days it wasn't like that (not always atleast). My relatives have been able to keep their marriage inspite of some really heavy drinkin and illusions and violence caused by it. What are a few threats with knives if you really love somebody? :grin:

:lol: yeh, love's blind. also when it's just an illusion.. it think people often settle for something they call love, denying the pure facts..cause it's better than be alone, or so it's supposed. and having no courage to live in other way, than just to keep on under the shape of knife.. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by speakinstone
rrreaally fascinating that is..:rolleyes:

So true! It's really like a big fun adventure taking the last train friday-night back home. Suddenly you have company, some drunk bastard who keeps his other hand in a pocket and gently hugs you with the other. I truly am always fascinated 'cause I have no clue what to expect from the guy.
Originally posted by speakinstone
:lol: yeh, love's blind. also when it's just an illusion.. it think people often settle for something they call love, denying the pure facts..cause it's better than be alone, or so it's supposed. and having no courage to live in other way, than just to keep on under the shape of knife.. :rolleyes:

..yet i was saying, that (speaking of nowadays, and forgotting the relatives and knifes etc) i understand it's very hard to live with someone who's having eg serious alcohol-problem, then of course it's pretty clear you're trying to change this person.
But after all, noone's gonna change, to better or worse, if the will to do so is not coming from one's own heart.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
So true! It's really like a big fun adventure taking the last train friday-night back home. Suddenly you have company, some drunk bastard who keeps his other hand in a pocket and gently hugs you with the other. I truly am always fascinated 'cause I have no clue what to expect from the guy.

fuck i'm scared of those kind of freaks..really. i'm avoiding those kind of situations in all the possible taking a taxi, if just having any money left. drunked teenagers are quite unexpectable too..or so i think, never happened anything. i'm getting old and scary, am i..?!
No, you're right. I've had people chasing me with (nyrkkirauta?) iron-knuckle (?) in the middle of a day and threatening me at our nearby store so it's not a stupid thing to do to be cautious at nights... It really sad, really, havin to be scared at your home town. Tho I ain't to panicked anymore, shit happens and that's just bad luck...
Originally posted by speakinstone
..yet i was saying, that (speaking of nowadays, and forgotting the relatives and knifes etc) i understand it's very hard to live with someone who's having eg serious alcohol-problem, then of course it's pretty clear you're trying to change this person.
But after all, noone's gonna change, to better or worse, if the will to do so is not coming from one's own heart.

True also. But what I actually ment, was that people near me have given up too easily recently, atleast from what I've gathered... Not like some relatives of mine whos marriage have taken a few really big blows, and still they're happily together. And I know they are happy, 'cause I talk to them quite often... But these friends of mine would've blowed the whistle a long time ago, 'cause "it wouldn't have been perfect anymore". Shitheads.

yeah, it is..:eek:
but it's reliefing you remember nothing next day.. :grin:

Well that's my plan for saturday-night

Originally posted by Crack Hitler
No, you're right. I've had people chasing me with (nyrkkirauta?) iron-knuckle (?) in the middle of a day and threatening at our nearby store so it's not a stupid thing to do to be cautious at nights... It really sad, really, havin to be scared at your home town. Tho I ain't to panicked anymore, shit happens and that's just bad luck...

:eek: woow..they just left behind you? i'm happy the store was open..!

btw stupidity's becoming tighter among a group, usually.. like eg some neo-nazi punks (fuck off!) and then in the other hand there's freaks who're alone even more some heavy junkies. nothing has ever happened to me, so i guess im kinda lucky after all, but it was quite 'funny' in that time i haven't had a phone..i went to sörkkä's underground-station into a phonebox to call. before i picked up the receiver, the phone rang, and my mate with me answered. it was weird but they kept on the call..something like 'it's ok' 'is it? good'
so you have the other thing?' ''what thing? i have lots of thingies' 'oh, i mean that THAT thing' 'aha, that. so..?' 'you're going there?' 'where' 'THERE there' 'yees..?' ...etc :rolleyes: till i noticed some guy with his eyes wide open, outside, and he looked kinda freakie..well that call was meant to his ears, so i guess we fucked some deal with someone, i wonder if he never got his shit or whatever..anyway the guy told when we went out (quick was that!) he's having a gun in his pocket. then like telling some huge secret, he bended to me, his hand on the pocket, and said like 'they're watching. they're everywhere, you know?' (glancing nervously around) 'i have a gun over here' (hand on the pocket) 'i have to protect myself, you know. never trust noone' i shook my head 'should i trust you..?'
we left quite fast. i think he didn't realized we took his call, luck that was..i guess :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
True also. But what I actually ment, was that people near me have given up too easily recently, atleast from what I've gathered... Not like some relatives of mine whos marriage have taken a few really big blows, and still they're happily together. And I know they are happy, 'cause I talk to them quite often... But these friends of mine would've blowed the whistle a long time ago, 'cause "it wouldn't have been perfect anymore". Shitheads.

yeah, i got that your point, and agree with that. people are giving in more easier nowadays.. it's sad.

but on saturday, let all the bad and sad things be forgotten, for a while..! :grin:
i think a good way to keep a relationship is to keep a bit of distance. its hard not have the urge to be together all the time, but if you really want to be together for some time the best thing is to not wear it out. it just seems to keep things fresh. like during the "crush" period there is distance and so your feelings can be very strong for a while but not long enough to become tiresome.

thats just what i think, but does seem to make sense.
Yes, it makes sense. And it's not in the crush period that you should try it. I know alot of steady couples in which the other person goes on a holiday all by him/herself every once in a while. For example living together 24/7, it ain't actually a vacation if you always take your other half with you now is it? :rolleyes: