the HAVE FUN thread

Originally posted by Eos

But isn´t the time at the beginning of a relationship nice too? I mean the time when you don´t know eachother so well yet and have so much to find out ;)

Well ok, the 'crush'-part is nice, deffo. Little excitement in the air and all that bullshit. But when it's time to get serious, meet the parents whatelse and stuff like that. The whole bloody time that it takes to get to the phase where you can just relax and enjoy each other just the way you are and not to stress about little things. It just feels too much work if you really think about it, you know?
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
He wore strings? :eek: And even that didn't ring a bell that there might be something wrong with the fella? ;)

Well I was realy shocked! :eek: But you know I´m a good actrice and those was one of the little things you think (well at the beginning of the relationship *g*) you could get along with :rolleyes::lol:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Well ok, the 'crush'-part is nice, deffo. Little excitement in the air and all that bullshit. But when it's time to get serious, meet the parents whatelse and stuff like that. The whole bloody time that it takes to get to the phase where you can just relax and enjoy each other just the way you are and not to stress about little things. It just feels too much work if you really think about it, you know?

"THE CRUSH PART IS NICE"??????????? IT'S THE BEST PART! the rest is bullshit. i havent met a single girl yet that made the rest "good." it's always the beginning thats great, thats all.

have you ever realized that this is actually the ULTIMATE truth? i mean look at every piece of art: stories, novels, movies, one cares about the "rest," but only the beginning...when the beginning is over, the story/film/song is over. we see the exact same cliché: "and they lived happily ever after." baah, so dull...

the only place that i can remember right now where the artist actually talk about what happens after the beginning is nick cave's "the sorrowful wife":

"I married my wife on the day of the eclipse
Our friends awarded her courage with gifts
Now as the nights grow longer and the season shifts
I look to my sorrowful wife
Who is quietly tending her flowers
Who is quietly tending her .....

The water is high on the beckoning river
I made her a promise I could not deliver
And the cry of the birds sends a terrible shiver
Through me and my sorrowful wife
Who is shifting the furniture around
Who is shifting the furniture around

Now we sit beneath the knotted Yew
And the bluebells bob around our shoes
The task of remembering the telltale clues
Goes to my lovely, my sorrowful wife
Who is counting the days on her fingers

Who is counting the days on her .....
Come on and help me babe
Come on now
Help me babe
I was blind
The grass here grows long and high
Twists right up to the sky
White clouds roll on by
Come on now and help me babe
I was blind
I was a fool babe
I was blind
Come on now
A loose wind last night blew down
Black trees bent to the ground
Their blossoms made such a sound
That I could not hear myself think babe
Come on now
And help me babe
Help me now
I was blind
I was a fool"

I don't agree Don. Sure it's 'nice', the beginning I mean, but there's some much more to it after that, really. People who break-up and are devasted 'cause "the love ended" are usually the ones who don't realise that only the crush-part ended, well what the hell did they think? It could last forever? No bloody way! And yes I know that most of the love-art -bullshit come from those feelings, but after all, those are not 'real' emotions in a way that you just don't know the person so well yet so you kinda reflect all your best wishes and images of a perfect human to that person, you know? If the relationship goes past that, you're on a much more solid ground there. But, as we all know, even that might not be enough :cry:

bitter stuff. shit.
some very smart person sed

"those are not 'real' emotions in a way that you just don't know the person so well yet so you kinda reflect all your best wishes and images of a perfect human to that person, you know?

yeah exactly and then they get all upset when that person doesn't live up to being their ideal person..or they try change someone to fit that ideal model which only exists in their head. kinda like getting a rolls royce and trying to turn it into a porsche cos you u always wanted a porsche. duh. everyone is dumb. have FUN :mad:
Yeh. Have a fucking blast! [REN HÖEK]You iiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiots!!! [/REN HÖEK]

no, but seriously, this issue has troubled me for long time. It wouldn't be too much trouble to dig deep into yourself and see the truth, now would it? uh. I'm gettin preachy now..