The Horror Movie thread

He certainly wasn't as frequent as Blakkie was though. Also I think he got scared off by some guy we had here that was reminiscent of a tween back street boys fan in the way he swooned over Jonas's every word. ^_^

Anyways back on topic, Sheitan was pretty darn good. Going to watch it again tonight with the wife. Ordered Hatchet 2 as well.
It's a sequel, but Hatchet 2 is fucking awesome. ...

What a fucking coincident this is!
Just three or four days ago while browsing this thread I was remembering a trailer I saw a few years ago of a movie in the vein of Friday 13th. You know when it itches your brain trying to remember and you google for an hour trying to find something without results.

It was Hatchet damnit! Awesome! :D
I have to see these two.
Yeah, they are good fun, man. I think a lot of people missed the point a bit on them (a lot of people hate them). They didn't just copy the fun gore, they also copy the nonsensical "get to the next kill" mentality of the stories, too. Back in the F13 era, it wasn't about making a great movie. It was about taking the formula that works (kill teenagers and string it together with a loose story..and get one of those out every year for low cost) and exploiting the hell out of it to make money. This is why it cracks me up when people complain about Saw movies because they are OH-SO-TRV horror fans. Hello? The Saw movies are about 20 times better as far as being an actual MOVIE goes than F13 and the gore delivered on them really good, as well. And being that it's essentially the only yearly horror franchise, I fully support it.

I'm all about the churn-n-burn movies. I always appreciate a great script and engaging characters, but churn-n-burn slasher flicks have their place.
In my opinion, they aren't getting these Hatchet flicks out fast enough! They could totally milk the Victor Crowley character till the end of time and I'd still watch them.
I admit to being one of the people that doesn't care for the Saw movies. I liked the first couple but it got boring to me by the time 3 came out. I have never seen past Saw 3 and I doubt I will for quite some time, there are more interesting horror movies to occupy me. Saw series is something I'll check out later when I have nothing better to watch basically. Of course that's not to say I hate them or think they suck because of some "trvv" shit. Just boring and repetitive.
i saw Antichrist last night. if i could resume in a word, would be "unnecessary". I could had lived my whole life without seen Willem Dafoe's dick.

tomorrow i will see The last Exorcism, bcause my sister (14 years old) whant to see it :(
i don´t like go to cinema to see horror movies, bcause when people get scared, jumps from his seat and that's what scares me.
i saw Antichrist last night. if i could resume in a word, would be "unnecessary". I could had lived my whole life without seen Willem Dafoe's dick.

I wouldn't consider the flick a 'horror movie.' but its damn brilliant. Even if its painful to watch.
Yeah, im a way. Most chicks are like that in certain times, PMS movie. ;)

It had its moments though, I have to give it that...
I admit to being one of the people that doesn't care for the Saw movies. I liked the first couple but it got boring to me by the time 3 came out. I have never seen past Saw 3 and I doubt I will for quite some time, there are more interesting horror movies to occupy me. Saw series is something I'll check out later when I have nothing better to watch basically. Of course that's not to say I hate them or think they suck because of some "trvv" shit. Just boring and repetitive.

Oh, make no mistake, I am not saying the Saw movies are "awesome horror movies". I'm merely saying that they deliver on the gore factor and are dependable for that kind of movie. Comparatively to "legendary" horror franchises from the past, each of the Saw movies holds up more as their own movies...pound for pound...than movies like the Friday the 13th series past part 1.

Mostly, I am just saying that I enjoy franchise horror that you can count on every year for a new installment, regardless of it's quality. The Saw movies at least put some effort into the gore and at least ATTEMPT to string it together into a loose story and that is good enough for me for that kind of movie.

I think people miss out on that a little bit and try to rate them as legitimate movies. The first movie was a good movie. The rest are churn-and-burn and you should rate them according to things like kills, breasts, one-liners, "twists", etc. That's about it.