Yeah, they are good fun, man. I think a lot of people missed the point a bit on them (a lot of people hate them). They didn't just copy the fun gore, they also copy the nonsensical "get to the next kill" mentality of the stories, too. Back in the F13 era, it wasn't about making a great movie. It was about taking the formula that works (kill teenagers and string it together with a loose story..and get one of those out every year for low cost) and exploiting the hell out of it to make money. This is why it cracks me up when people complain about Saw movies because they are OH-SO-TRV horror fans. Hello? The Saw movies are about 20 times better as far as being an actual MOVIE goes than F13 and the gore delivered on them really good, as well. And being that it's essentially the only yearly horror franchise, I fully support it.
I'm all about the churn-n-burn movies. I always appreciate a great script and engaging characters, but churn-n-burn slasher flicks have their place.
In my opinion, they aren't getting these Hatchet flicks out fast enough! They could totally milk the Victor Crowley character till the end of time and I'd still watch them.