The Horror Movie thread

I think people miss out on that a little bit and try to rate them as legitimate movies. The first movie was a good movie. The rest are churn-and-burn and you should rate them according to things like kills, breasts, one-liners, "twists", etc. That's about it.

When did you last see a horror movie who won a legitimate movie award? Im a fan of the franchise though, entertaining as hell.
The horror genre will never be taken as a serious genre of movies by the "elite" movie academies. If a horror movie is claimed as "good", then its a thriller...

Legimate movie awards are all about the cloths, money and fame, never about the movies. Hell, even Crash won awards...
^Great movies all of them, but when they won NO ONE called them horror movies...they where referred to as "thrillers". Hell, even Psycho almost lost its horror tag.
When did you last see a horror movie who won a legitimate movie award? Im a fan of the franchise though, entertaining as hell.

Well there are no legitimate movie awards, imo. Though I do like genre sites giving away awards for genre movies. I respect the opinion of people that actually pay attention to horror over the academy who might have seen Rob Zombies Halloween at most.

But you are correct, none do win awards though I think some should.
I think Martyrs or Inside could have won awards. I think movies such as Devil's Backbone could have. The Mist was also a great character study movie. Antichrist, while not "horror" had some horrific elements to it and at the very least should win awards for cinematography (the first 10 minutes of that movie are brilliant!). I could go on and on.

There's lots of "great" horror movies that aren't thrillers, but no one pays attention to them as great. They might get lucky and be called "cult" (which in essence just means "the movie was good and a lot of people look back fondly of it, but it bombed at the box office". I think Silence of the Lambs (thriller, for sure) was the last one that I can think of that could be called horror-esque that won awards....ouch.

But yeah, my point is there are great horror movies and shitty horror movies and I love them all. The only true crime a horror movie can deal to me is to be boring. Then it's unacceptable. That's like a comedy that you never laugh at.
^Thumbs up to you! Total agree. Inside and Martyrs are fucking legendary...
saw 3 movies lately that I liked... first one was [Rec] 2, it was good (spanish movie so it's in spanish) but the characters annoyed me a bit. The second movie was Darkness Falls, ghost movie that was actually quite fun to watch, nothing really memorable but still fun and decent enough for a ghost movie (cause they usually suck really bad)... the third movie was a french one and it was great, its named Frontière(s), cool movie as expected, thriller, it's more about violence than gore or terror :) c0ck.
i saw I Spit On You Grave (1978)... a lot of boobs, but not very brutal. For what i heard i was expecting worse