The Horror Movie thread

i could never find a good copy of ichi the killer although it sounds awesome!

and yeah ill agree, martyrs is the best of those three :D, blew my mind in many ways
im gonna see the new resident evil, i bet its shitty but i want it to be good, i have fond memories of the games/first movie

I thought the first RE movie was the worst one personally. The whole time I was in the theater I couldn't stop looking at my watch, and the horrendous special effects didn't give much incentive to watch either. All the RE movies have been disappointing with Extinction being the only one I semi-enjoyed.

I'll still seethe latest though... It has Wesker and I want to see that.
I thought the first RE movie was the worst one personally. The whole time I was in the theater I couldn't stop looking at my watch, and the horrendous special effects didn't give much incentive to watch either. All the RE movies have been disappointing with Extinction being the only one I semi-enjoyed.

I'll still seethe latest though... It has Wesker and I want to see that.

ah see when i saw resident evil 1 i was just getting into horror movies, so it has a lot of nostalgia with me. when i was younger that scene with the lasers was crazy! i saw 2 and that was a total abortion, 3 was decent though :)
im also pumped for wesker :p, he is baaaadassssss

silent hill 4 was boring though... didn't even play it through.

doom 3 is fakken fakk boring, only jew and nicolas like it :) eheheh

now F.E.A.R is were it's at

someone ruined the ending to silent hill 2 and now i have no intention of ever finishing it, although it was scary as fuck.....the controls were super annoying, as much as people hate on over the shoulder controls, they are just more user friendly (which is why i loved Resident Evil 4, and found RE1 completely unplayable..although it had great puzzles/atmosphere)

i agree, FEAR scared the shit out of me a few times, i lost disk one so i havent played it in a long time (although its only 9.99$ on steam, i might just buy that if they have a sale someday)

Doom 3 was ok, not very scary though, mostly just a pissoff having to switch between your flashlight and your weak guns :p. i dont regret buying/playing it though. i wish theyd hurry and make doom 4
DOOM 3 is one of the best games ever, period :heh: I've heard lots of people here saying that it wasn't scary enough and things like that, did they even play the old DOOM games?! DOOM has never been about "scaryness" but "evilness"!!!! and in that field DOOM 3 is perfect! also, IDsoftware said DOOM 4 will be closer to DOOM II than DOOM 3 so yeah, spect even less scary stuff, haters :p I'm more than ok with pentagrams, blood, demons and of course, the marine :blush: I really hope they don't name the marine tho, for quake 4 it was ok, the game demanded a name but for doom, naaaah, nameless marine gives kudos to the heroe character :)
someone ruined the ending to silent hill 2 and now i have no intention of ever finishing it, although it was scary as fuck.....the controls were super annoying, as much as people hate on over the shoulder controls, they are just more user friendly (which is why i loved Resident Evil 4, and found RE1 completely unplayable..although it had great puzzles/atmosphere)

i agree, FEAR scared the shit out of me a few times, i lost disk one so i havent played it in a long time (although its only 9.99$ on steam, i might just buy that if they have a sale someday)

Doom 3 was ok, not very scary though, mostly just a pissoff having to switch between your flashlight and your weak guns :p. i dont regret buying/playing it though. i wish theyd hurry and make doom 4

there are several different endings on silent hill 2 though, so you should really play it through imo :) lots of cool puzzle solving in that one as well. i've never dared to play it through again... haha

yeah, i need to play through fear again sometime... i haven't even played the second one yet though. anyone here done that?

haha, yeah i hated that fucking flashlight, in the beginning it added to the scaryness somewhat, but then i just got annoying. like security personel on a space station wouldn't have lights on their fakken guns :p

DOOM 3 is one of the best games ever, period :heh: I've heard lots of people here saying that it wasn't scary enough and things like that, did they even play the old DOOM games?! DOOM has never been about "scaryness" but "evilness"!!!! and in that field DOOM 3 is perfect! also, IDsoftware said DOOM 4 will be closer to DOOM II than DOOM 3 so yeah, spect even less scary stuff, haters :p I'm more than ok with pentagrams, blood, demons and of course, the marine :blush: I really hope they don't name the marine tho, for quake 4 it was ok, the game demanded a name but for doom, naaaah, nameless marine gives kudos to the heroe character :)

doom 3 has some of the most boring environments ever. black, black, black, random machinery, black, black, toilet, black etc. :p doom 1 and 2 are still much more interesting environment wise even though they're so over the top sometimes.
yeah, i need to play through fear again sometime... i haven't even played the second one yet though. anyone here done that?

Well, I worked on both...and I can say that the designer changed a lot of things in FEAR 2 that lose the spirit of FEAR1. It's still a decent game, especially if you buy it now really cheap, but I think they missed the boat on the scares completely. They basically saved all the scares until the last month of development and had one guy scramble to implement them. So it's a lot of "ZOMG NIN VIDEO EFFECTS IN MY FACE!" then gone..."ZOMG MORE SHIT IN MY FACE!" and it's is almost reminiscent of "the cat that jumps out of the closet" at times. You know something is coming, and then "LOUD NOISE!"...oh...just a cat.

FEAR1 had a lot more subtlety to the scares (and I won't even be modest here, it's because they had a huge horror fan on the team to brainstorm ideas. On FEAR2, they were not interested in hearing anyone's ideas after a certain point...and I tried) I'm still really proud of the ladder scene, which was completely my idea and everyone still says that was the part that scared them the most.

Still, FEAR2 may not be as good on a pure game design level, but the graphics are definitely better and the ending is worth seeing because it's just fucked up.
the fact that the game is 90% of the time lights out was on purpose... and once you're back from hell you get one the most awesome enviroments I have seen so far in games... but if you don't like it because you think is boring then is ok, different taste in games, I'm just pointing the fact that DOOM wasn't created to be scary, so bashing it for not being scary enough is like bashing Tom Clancy for not being misterious enough... dunno if you get my point... mmmm... FU! :)
they said this year will be released, I'm gonna buy a new laptop just to play it properly ffs!!!! release the game!!!! :D

Well... they didnt even have anything from Doom4 to show at this years QuakeCon, even though they said they would last year, thats how "far" they have come with it, in other words, not far at all. They are still finishing up Rage.
yeah, I did read about the whole Raven thing but they said that the DOOM 4 engine is ready... so now they just have to build the game on it :) I really hope they release it this year since I do need a new laptop also :lol: