The I'm Going/Just Went to a Concert Thread

I went to the Obituary, Unleashed, Carnifax gig on the 25th and it was pretty awesome. Possessed was supposed to play, but the singer is in the hospital. My friends and I were right up against the stage for unleashed and I had a monitor in front of me. During one of the songs I was headbanging really hard and the crowd started moshing and I fucking hit my head on the corner of the was pretty bad. So I stayed off to the side the rest of their set with ice on my head. Then obituary was going to come on and I took my friends spot in front of the stage. Once I started headbanging my head stopped bleeding and I was able to have a good time. The only problem was that Ralph Santolla kept on shoving his cock like right in my face, so I had to keep my head down and headbang in between his feet, basically dusting his shoes with my hair. Same thing goes with John Tardy's mike stand. It was pretty awesome, but they didn't show much love to the people in the front, but I guess it makes sense because we ARE in front after all. I have a black eye, I think I will post a picture later.:)

Also I'm going to the Opeth show on Oct 6 and I was wondering if there was anyone in the UC Davis/Sacramento area that could give me a ride there and back.
Just went to Opeth/High on Fire/Nachtmystium on Sept. 19

Going to Amon Amarth/Ensiferum/Belphegor/The Absence on Oct. 18

Can't wait for that one.
Just got back from AUSTIN CITY LIMITS MUSIC FESTIVAL (ACL).....3 day music fest....lots of awsome bands I got to see.....had a great to be a lil hippy for a thign was alf a mile walk away from my we could go in n out ....anytime we wanted.....hahaha.....but yeah....tht was up Oct 16t....OPETHHH!!!!......PEAC EOUT
I went to Lifelover's first ever gig.
should have been in the biggest metalfest in israel ever like a month ago with my 3 favorite bands (nevermore, dark tranquillity and opeth) but it got canceled a week before after 1400 people including me got their tickets already and they dont even give the money back. israelis sure know how to organize things :kickass:
Amon Amarth was an AMAZING concert. In the top three I could say for all the concerts I've been too. It was by far the most dificulty I've ever had going to a concert. I couldn't go alone and for months I couldn't find anyone who wanted to go with me. I finally convinced one of my friends to go with me. Then all of the tickets but the dinner seats ($55!) were sold out. Grudgingly I paid the $55 dolars for the tickets. Then... I GOT A CALL FROM TICKETS.COM SAYING THAT MY PURCHASE DIDN'T GO THROUGH AND TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a painting to see if I could use some mind tricks to get me in. Then I went to the venue and they eventually started selling extra tickets. Then, after I had already bought the tickets, my ticket fell out of my pocket in my car. They WOULD NOT let me in. Finally after searching and searching, I found my ticket and got in.
The show was absolutely amazing though. I got to meet every band which was cool and I gave them all my business card. I was impressed by The Absence but I didn't really like Belphegore or Ensferium. The energy level was THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOF. It was insane. It was probably the best crowd I've ever been in! The pit was sick too. Someone in the pit had chainmail! I thought that was epic...
A pic from the show (with Johan holding the painting):


P.S. No, I'm not a chick... I've got to grow some facial hair...
Saw Sigur Ros last night... OH SO SWEET!!!! Opeth on monday and Amorphis the following week and Pendulum 2 days after Amorphis. Oh and saw Radiohead and My Morning Jacket int he last 3 weeks. It has been one h*ll of a good gig filled ending to the summer!!!!!
Saw Sigur Ros last night... OH SO SWEET!!!! Opeth on monday and Amorphis the following week and Pendulum 2 days after Amorphis. Oh and saw Radiohead and My Morning Jacket int he last 3 weeks. It has been one h*ll of a good gig filled ending to the summer!!!!!

I'm actually going to kill myself for not getting Sigur Ros tickets......
What do you know, they were playing here the same time I was seeing Amon Amarth...