The I'm Going/Just Went to a Concert Thread

I just moved to London England in August and I was able to catch the Gutter Twins (MARK LANEGAN!) and Turisas within the first three weeks of my arrival. This Friday is the big Unholy Trinity show I've been waiting for, headlined by Paradise Lost with My Dying Bride and Anathema. I still can't believe the lineup.
Enslaved and Opeth are both coming in November, within a week of each other I believe! I really should have come to the UK a hell of a lot earlier, all of my favorite bands have been passing through, it's incredible!

Thats one of the main reasons I want to move to the UK. Keep of Kalessin are gonna headline a show their and they are nothing but an opening act in the U.S, not to mention that the bands before after them are terrible. That shit bums me out to the max, I hate living here man, you miss out on all kinds of good shows. Why did you move to the UK
Actually to teach English as a second language using my sexy Canadian accent and impressive linguistic skillz. It has become clear that I must also teach the importance of good water pressure in the shower. This will prove difficult apparently. There is no water pressure here people!
These concerts keep me going while on my quest.
With the working Visa I have I can work for up to a year. Then I'll travel like someone possessed hopefully. I did take history in University so London is not such a bad place for someone like me, the amazing concerts are a MASSIVE BONUS.
D'oh! I mentioned I took history in University in my last post. A hell of a lot of history went down in London, so I love that aspect. That's what I meant by a person like me. Total history nerd.
I was expecting something else other than history nerd. That what i want to take. I don't want to take U.S. history but European history, kinda hard to find a class like that around here. I'll just have to wait until i finish school in the UK as well
I just saw Nile and Grave last night, and met some of them too

Awesome. Nile rules. I didn't know that they were playing and my friend went and HAD AN EXTRA TICKET but never called me so I didn't get to see them. :(

Oh, I'm also going to see:

AC/DC - Dec 2 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena

I've been waiting since I was like 10 to see AC/DC. They were my favorite band when I was little. :)