The love/hate thread.

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how are they great? the riffs are the same shitty riffs over and over again, the vocals are horrible and the songwriting is so fuckin' bland

drummer is solid but that doesn't save the band.

god mencia's show is so fucking retarded
Wow, I actually agree to two things dave said! This is a banner day.

How the fuck was that song much different than Effigy of the Forgotten?
Oh wait, I disagree again :(. Deeds of Flesh rely far more on tremolo picked riffs than Suffocation. They are fairly unique amongst death metal bands for that fact. I think they are two great bands, but sound wise Deeds is not as close to Suffocation as many, many other bands. Also a note about the drum sound which was brought up: yes, the snare is very loud. In my view it is an acquired taste but in my view it brings out some more power in the blasts.
how the fuck was that song much different than effigy of the forgotten?
Oh come on, that song was vapid, generic and very far removed from the grimey roots which spawned acts like Suffocation. I have to say Suffocation are as far as I go in terms of br00tal or technical death metal.

I personally think it's a disgrace that bands like Deeds of Flesh are even given the "death metal" tag, there's nothing about them which preserves the sinister, ancient atmosphere of proper death metal.
it's pretty interesting that deeds of flesh is a band held in extremely high regard by I think the band is some delightfully ferocious death metal, that video is very fitting because their songs feel like taking a long walk inside the mind of a psychopathic serial killer. Some of the most barbaric and skullcrushing riffs ever.
I don't really get all the hate Mencia recieves. I mean, he's not the best, but he's not terrible, either.

If you want something skullcrushing just check out Rottrevore or Infester.

I have heard rottrevore, wasn't particularly impressed by anything I heard. Haven't heard infester. I have strange taste in death metal though, I listen to a little bit of everything.

I love deeds because it is just a relentless assault on the senses that starts and doesn't stop until you turn off the CD. The vocals are especially brilliant as they maintain some level of clarity while being incredibly low and brutal.
I love extreme metal
I love playing guitar
I love chest day (working out)
I love sushi
I love burritos
I love that I have a new car

I hate traffic
I hate condescending people
I hate being tired all the time
I hate basketball players (and basketball, for that matter)
I hate that the Red Sox are starting to play like shit
I hate Justin Timberlake
I hate Tom Brady
I hate overly humid summer days
I hate that times goes by so fast
I hate that I'm so fucking bitter
it's pretty interesting that deeds of flesh is a band held in extremely high regard by I think the band is some delightfully ferocious death metal, that video is very fitting because their songs feel like taking a long walk inside the mind of a psychopathic serial killer. Some of the most barbaric and skullcrushing riffs ever.
Wow. I did not know that anus is pro-DoF. DoF are good musicians and songwriters, but their sound is far from original, and they are highly Suffo-esque. Which is why I thought that anusites would not think highly of them.
mark of the legion - Review: From an unknown generation of American death metal Deeds of Flesh sculpt their bursts of violent energy with essential rhythm creating shapes from which thematic ideas emerge, undulating within a percussive rhythm section and abrupt, instantaneous arachnoid motion in textures of riff creation. Guttural vocals boom through hollowed sections of the carcass of humanity as intricate voices of guitar and percussion layer ideas which ferment and erupt as colliding themes which will cycle through a mating ritual of nothingness and infinity before recycling themselves in finality. A vigilant sense of space and time as setting for a narrative of gurgling, volatile music anchors this work while its playfulness in texture expands it.

Often careless or offhandedly direct in its use of transition and tone center, this album like the other recent offerings of Deeds of Flesh is an ancient computer punchcard encoding the grimoire of exhalted evil in silences and blasts, interrupting itself to parenthetically issue the code which then generates its themes in riff progressions that seem random until the themes of the song are clear and its conflict resolved. Cryptic through complex use of straightforward elements, this release emphasizes listenability and worthiness of melody shadowing theme in its songs of driving, relentless percussive death metal.

Where the proliferation of themes in organic covering peaks, it is unified by a sense of melody which can etch within the dual intervals used for a foundation to motif, as means of clarity and opening of potential action in variant theme, the shapes which complement established motions such to advance song through narrative and seasonal undulation. Human in its approach but inhuman in its tactics, music such as this renders the listener numb while feeding them a viral code of anti-value in combat with anti-nothingness.

As a three-piece this band are highly effective, with aggressive vocals balancing percussion and content enfolded into lyricism by distorted stringed instruments, and their use of theme is advancing per album to the point of some familiarity. A dimension remains, swinging closer with the complexity and ease of technique to this pounding and irreparably damaging album.
Wow. I did not know that anus is pro-DoF. DoF are good musicians and songwriters, but their sound is far from original, and they are highly Suffo-esque. Which is why I thought that anusites would not think highly of them.
A lot of the US bands promoted by the DLA are bordering on average, imo. I guess, the site's administration simply set the promotion of the local scene there as one of its goals. Or maybe that's my genral distaste for most American metal that's talking right now.
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