the love thread

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lol @ just because some people think a guy's great other people can't talk shit about him

kinda like when you talk shit about islam, except in that case all of a sudden you've got a 747 sticking out the side of the side of a prominent architectural landmark in your home nation :erk:
I'm glad that chuck thread got deleted... that shit is a disgrace to one of the greatest death metal musicians ever

RIP chuck.... died 5 years ago today

No offence, but can't you see that it's people like you that these threads are directed at?
Armageddon's Child had only to raise his eyeliner to your provocative nick to realize that his topic might become a great troll feeding fest
lol @ just because some people think a guy's great other people can't talk shit about him

kinda like when you talk shit about islam, except in that case all of a sudden you've got a 747 sticking out the side of the side of a prominent architectural landmark in your home nation :erk:

fuckin sand my pals never learn, do they?
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I love The Decemberists.
Yeah. From this event I have learned that Stephen Colbert has a metal album titled "Symphonies of the Infernal"

It's called a whammy bar, deal with it!" he said. "And if you think that's nasty, wait 'til you hear some of the stuff from my hit metal album Symphonies of the Infernal. I am going to jam out a solo with so many dominant sevenths and ascending pentatonic patterns it'll make Yngwie Malmsteen sound like Raffi (actual quote by stephen)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Those are the bastards who challenged Stephen Colbert. They should be put on notice! :mad:

lol i never knew about this...

Wikipedia said:
The Decemberists continued by encouraging their fans to edit them defeating Stephen Colbert in their video. They also challenged Stephen to a guitar solo competition. [7] On December 8, 2006, Stephen Colbert accepted the challenge, saying the Decemberists, "may be thieves, but they're not cowards." The guitar solo competition will be on the December 20, Colbert Report. [8]

but that's just awesome :lol: i have to remember to watch that somehow
akron/family - self titled, meek warrior
a hawk and a hacksaw - the way the wind blows
swan lake - beast moans
eyes and arms of smoke - a religion of broken bones
the album leaf - in a safe place
angles of light - how i loved you
my my - songs for the gentle


I shall :) Thanks.
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