the love thread

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Even Adrenalize? Jesus, that's devotion.

I really think C.O.C. are fucking brilliant - although I wasn't all that keen on their last platter, despite most critics wanting to bow down and fellate them. The holy trio of Blind/Deliverance/Wiseblood is a fucking great run of albums, with, perhaps, the best of the three being Deliverance. Awesome stuff, really.
I have heard some corrosion of conformity and it's basically the only southern style hard rock I can stomach.
Newer corrosion of conformity is what metallica would sound like if they were not idiots.
I did martial arts for years, from when I was nine through the beginning of high school. Once you get beyond a certain point, I don't think it helps that much in a fight. The most important thing you learn is how to punch properly, quickly, and effectively, and how to block punches so they do less damage. And I've been in five fights in my life, and won them all. One of the guys was 6'4, and I kicked his ass the worst (destroyed his cheekbone and he lost most vision in that eye).
I love the art of Sambo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Especially when it comes to competitors showcasing these styles in the UFC and PFC.
the best thing martial arts showed me was 1) let them throw the first punch 2) don't get hit 3) hit them quickly and really really hard somewhere on their face/head so as to not give them another chance to hit you back. every time i did sparring matches i'd always hurt someone cos everyone else was about getting points and showing off and looking good for the judges but first chance i got to fucking donkey punch someone, they were on the floor. i also hit people in the throat a lot. i also won 90% of the time. i usually lost to tiny guys cos they were too fast and i could never get that one good hit in so they won off of points. otherwise it was BOOT TO THE KOOL and they were 1-2-3 out.
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