the love thread

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I love being 19 and still mentally 16, in 5 years still going to be 16.
the fact that your post started with "i love the black plague" completely negates everything you just said. sry.

it was not an entirely serious statement, but in this case I don't see why this would make me a "freak" or anything. Maybe because I did not say, "I hate christians and want them to die" or "fuck islam" or something, which is what people on this board seem to say a lot :rolleyes: I love the plague, I would rather be around during that time, preferably a survivor :), than be around the current time, although there is a new "digital, information, and communication revolution" I would rather be around during that time in which it seemed the apocalypse was drawing near, and such grief would have been an amazing inspiration for works of the artistic nature in a time of such misery although it would have been sobering to feel the sorrow of a loved one dying, and of course people probably had more compassion than in this age of decline in morals etc...
I liked sparring but there was a lot more working out and when you are younger after awile you just get sick of it. I was in a tournament also and was so nervous and almost forgot my katas regardless doing them for along time.
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