the love thread

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Yeah. that is true, but you will be standing there with your knife and I will pull out an assault rifle, killing you and everyone around

Or better yet I will detonate a nuclear bomb that will cause a massive shockwave to the very center of the earth, causing a summoning of the ancient diabolic demonic hordes which will wage a neverending war on the planet and cause an ice age which man will never be able to survive, and the apocalypse will surely be upon us...
I would use this over a gun. You could get very personal inches away as you stick it up their throat inbetween their lower jaw up into their mouth.

I love the black plague, how it must have been to be surrounded by death, the stench of death, the face of death, all around you people are clinging to their last breath, covered in teh blackness, your precious love has sighed her last breath before falling into your arms, the last thing she sees before she dies is the death in your eyes, as you cry, you will be the next to die...
when people died of the plague, it wasn't like they were cool one day and then they fell over. you lover would have been covered in puss-dripping sores and her eyes would have been crusted over some such shit and she would have probably been lying in a bed unable to do anything but shit and vomit when she died.

stop listening to so much fucking metal. it is in no way a representation of reality, you goddamn child.
I love the black plague, how it must have been to be surrounded by death, the stench of death, the face of death, all around you people are clinging to their last breath, covered in teh blackness, your precious love has sighed her last breath before falling into your arms, the last thing she sees before she dies is the death in your eyes, as you cry, you will be the next to die...

Did you enjoy the holocaust aswell?

when people died of the plague, it wasn't like they were cool one day and then they fell over. you lover would have been covered in puss-dripping sores and her eyes would have been crusted over some such shit and she would have probably been lying in a bed unable to do anything but shit and vomit when she died.
this is of course obvious but in keeping with the expressive nature of my post, I conveniently left out such unnecessary details. Also this is not necesarily the only method of dying by the plague, death could come much earlier during the first stages of the plague, for any number of reasons. It is quite possible that many people could have expressed their affection for a loved one by holding them in their arms during their final moments even in the most advanced stages of the disease, while they remained quite conscious and able to convey such emotions as well as be able to look upon their loved one in such a way
stop listening to so much fucking metal. it is in no way a representation of reality, you goddamn child.
Actually I wouldn't consider metal an influence in romanticisms of the black plague, I am not actually influenced by metal in any such way, also there is a myriad of musical styles (ie baroque, romantic era) which could have romantic expressions of tragedy, death etc... I actually find very little such poeticness in the metal I listen to...

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