the love thread

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19 and a virgin. I do not want to socialize with a girl but being 19 my sex drive is high. The fact you can pick out a female based on your sexual preference and do her for pretty cheap in privacy is something that would be a cool way for me to loose my virginity imo.

The fact that you only want to have sex with a female and have no other social intercourse with her couuuuuuuuuuuuuld just be a contributory factor in your ongoing "innocence" in matters of carnality.

If you insist in this model of sexual activity, you will find a ski mask, kitchen knife and the catch phrase "scream and you're dead" to be definite boons.

(Disclaimer: This is meant as a joke. Special Disclaimer to The Greys: Do not do this):saint:
I love playing chords and using 2,3 chords to make a really catchy riff. Hopefully I will be a rockstar one day and sluts will do me.
the greys do you ever just sit back and reflect on the patheticness of your existence

if so have you ever cried while doing so
the greys do you ever just sit back and reflect on the patheticness of your existence

if so have you ever cried while doing so

My existence has not made me cry yet so I guess it just gets worse right ?. When did you start crying.
I love canada and hope next summer get to pick out a girl and do her losing my virginity before being 21(will be 20). It's not much money. I figured out the only way to live to my potential would be to fully gain independence and not have to deal with the opposite sex on a basis.

maybe I should go to canada too.

Canada seems like a paradise compared to the US.

1. Hot sluts in private rooms for cheap. Quick fuck with a hot chick that does not give a fuck who you are and she just wants to make you cum and fuck your brains out.
2. lower drinking age

fuck yeah
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