the love thread

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That man shoots more juice in his ass than a prison bitch in the state pen. EWW. That man is probably five feet four inches tall. I find his physique to be the grossest thing I have ever seen. He makes me want to go eat a sandwich or something and skip my next workout.

Andrew's a cool guy, a real cool guy, just... he has a small penis.
That man shoots more juice in his ass than a prison bitch in the state pen. EWW. That man is probably five feet four inches tall. I find his physique to be the grossest thing I have ever seen. He makes me want to go eat a sandwich or something and skip my next workout.

he is actually 5'11' 280 I believe

and it doesn't really matter that he was on roids (there are probably a million people in the US on roids, maybe .00000001% of them are as big as he is)
I said that to icemaidentalica not you (sorry)

disarmi, if you like mariuz - check out this beast

Aye lol Dorian Yates is a beast, but still #1 all time no one beats the man.

The hulk...

Lou Ferrigno! :)

Can you say beast?

Remember everyone Lou F. is like 6'8 also lol.
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my favorite bodybuilder in the world is dexter jackson (here's a pic of him if you want to see it -

dude is huge (5'6' 220+) but still has an absolutely tiny waist at 28 inches (55+ inch shoulders with 28 inch waist), that's the type of look I am going for (very muscular but still somewhat aesthetically pleasing)

I'd rather look like Arnolds Protege, oh damn whats his name, hes in Pumping Iron with him, the lil short guy whos like 5'7 and italian. Hes a beast. I can't believe I forgot his name lol. Hell you remember it?

Back when I wrestled/baseball I used to work out a ton I mean alot lol, and take all these supplements, but after 3 years of that and only gaining 20ish lbs, I gave up, I still workout to maintain tone, but I'm not going for bulk anymore as its just not in my genes.. Like I'd keep getting stronger, but not bigger lol was weird :)

I'm like 5'10 135ish lol. (Whats funny is that I used to be able to curl 45 lb dumbells in 4 sets of 12 np lol, but yet I couldn't get any bulk :cry:
I have a thing for pasty white, tall, average guys with long hair.

When you say "long" , you mean "unkempt; needs a haircut", right??

Cuz I think I'm picking up on some pretty strong chemistry here... :Smug: ;)

edit - Oh, and by "average", you mean "below average", RIGHT??
disarmi I have the exact opposite problem, I was a fat kid my whole life and I have to have an insanely strict/perfect diet to lose ANY weight whatsoever

right now I am around 5'10' 206 so we will see where bodybuilding takes me. Perhaps I will be one of the top natural competitors in the world one day
haha you are a big bodybuilding fan as well?? do you train yourself??

I used to, I just work out for fun now and so I don't lose any strength :)

I've been a bodybuilding fan for.. hell like 7+ years now. It takes a fuck load of work and dedication... And for anyone to say oh slap XXX roids and look like these people is ridiculous. You guys have no clue how hard it is, basically its your whole life.

Also if you just eat alot of rich protein food (fish/eggs/beef/etc.) and take a little bit of extra supplements that is plenty. Protein shakes help too :)
disarmi I have the exact opposite problem, I was a fat kid my whole life and I have to have an insanely strict/perfect diet to lose ANY weight whatsoever

right now I am around 5'10' 206 so we will see where bodybuilding takes me. Perhaps I will be one of the top natural competitors in the world one day

GL :) Its alot of work. Hope you know what your getting into lol.
ya I've been doing it for a year now, so I'm definately used to the lifestyle

last year at this time, I was 235 pounds, since then I have lost 30 pounds and now I look a million times better so I am very happy about that
To me that looks so gross. I can't imagine why anyone would want to look like that. It has got to feel weird too.:zombie:

Do you think Franco looks "gross" lol. And of course I expected this in a "metal" forum lol.

You ever lift any weights before?

Also a little FYI, before competition they eat mad amounts of sugar thats how all their veins pop out so much etc. Eat a ton of sugar pump for a few minutes and blam-o. I can do that too if I wanted to.

I myself wish I could get to like 170 all muscle, but I don't think I could and if I could it would take a long ass time (like 5++ years at least) and I don't feel like going thru all that again lol.

Hell, you ever play any sports? I wrestled for 4 years and played baseball for 16 years.

I will agree with you though, the only thing that ever bothered me about body builders were the legs, I mean it just doesn't look right, thats why I liked Franco's physique so much because he still had that "normal" looking feel meanwhile keeping the tone/bulk look.

Warning: Off Topic lol :)

Any other people here wear boardshirts *and surf* << These things fucking rock I recommend them :)
I lifted on a regular basis for about 2 years a while back, and I played baseball for 12 years. I do not see how that has anything to do with me thinking the guy Dave was gross looking.
I lifted on a regular basis for about 2 years a while back, and I played baseball for 12 years. I do not see how that has anything to do with me thinking the guy Dave was gross looking.

Well, perhaps so, but alot of the people who lift weights wouldn't find that gross, because thats what you aspire to "tone/definition/etc." Maybe not as tone/defined, but certainly that way. The only thing gross I found and will always forever is the legs... That always looks abnormal to me >.>
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