the love thread

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Everyone I know that lifts does it to stay in shape and have a bit of muscle mass/definition, not to look freakish and huge.

Lol, well everyone I used to work out with did it for Tone/Definition/Size...... What you say is freakish is not to other people. We always used to compete with each other, was quite fun :) (too much work though lol). Also Mass =/= huge :)

Do you find Franco Colombu Freakish and huge? I think he looks perfect, thats the way I wish I looked, but oh well lol :)
I think that the bbers of the old days were better than the ones of the current day. Now it seems to be all about mass for the sake of mass, and whoever takes the best stack at the highest doses wins. I wouldn't even want to look like Ronnie Coleman, Marcus Ruhl, etc.
I think that the bbers of the old days were better than the ones of the current day. Now it seems to be all about mass for the sake of mass, and whoever takes the best stack at the highest doses wins. I wouldn't even want to look like Ronnie Coleman, Marcus Ruhl, etc.

Aye I agree the old BB'ers were better.

Franco Colombu
Lou Ferrigno

^ My fav top 3 :)
Fuck this thread. Bring the hate thread back. I have been watching the news all day and really need it. There is not enough things to love where the hate thread has no purpose.
I myself wish I could get to like 170 all muscle, but I don't think I could and if I could it would take a long ass time (like 5++ years at least) and I don't feel like going thru all that again lol.

who the fuck told you this?? you can get there in 13-15 months if you eat properly

@ evil?, as far as dexter jackson goes (the black man I posted), I'm not really sure what you didn't like about the physique, he has a tiny waist (doesn't have the bloated steroid belly) and has very nice definition and size. He is one of the smallest BBers in the world among the major competitions, and it's not like he is 330 or 340 (like ronnie coleman is), I don't think he is bigger than 220 225
who the fuck told you this?? you can get there in 13-15 months if you eat properly

LOL Man if only. I all ready told you I only gained like 20-25 lbs in 3 years of heavy weight lifting. I just can't seem to pack the weight even when I get stronger. I guess I'm just weird like that lol. I would get stronger, but not bulkier. (I did weigh like 135-140 with 4% body fat at one time, but now im down to like 130ish with like 6% lol) I just can't gain the weight even though I get stronger. (I have extremely high/fast metabolism)

I don't need to be told, I can see what I did for those 3 years.
you were clearly not eating enough, just about any healthy male can gain 20 - 30 pounds of muscle in a year if they eat/train properly

LOL LOL LOL LOL. Man you have no clue, I was eating at least 2500 calories a day of protein alone, and taking supplements. And working out like 2-3 hours a day rotating regimes, for a full 3 years and I only gained at max like 25ish lbs. I told you, the way my body works is just weird, I burn through shit so fast.

And please, how can you tell me what I did and did not go through/do when I used to work out heavily?

Tack onto that I also wrestled for 4 years, so you add an extra 4 hours a day of that shit...yea... I don't know what I was doing im just a retard.

(Also, im 130ish right now, and I wanted to be like 170 with like 4-5&#37; body fat << 5'10) So yea 20 lbs a year me needing 170 is still 2 years, and not to mention my body doesn't work like that.

I can eat 5000 calories to me, and burn that like nothing, where as another person can eat the same thing and it would be like them eating 20000 calories.
And working out like 2-3 hours a day rotating regimes,

are you fucking kidding me?? 2-3 hours a day

as a super skinny ectomorph, you should have been working out like an hour a day at most, (taking long breaks between sets as to keep your heart rate down)

you also probably did cardio which is another retarded idea for a super skinny dude.

summary: if you are skinny, you need to work out 4 or 5 times a week for about an hour. NO CARDIO, and eat like a fucking bear

edit: didn't mean to flame you or anything, just saying that if you are super skinny - the goal should always to be to do less (workout less) and eat way way more. Training 2-3 hours a day will kill your progress
are you fucking kidding me?? 2-3 hours a day

as a super skinny ectomorph, you should have been working out like an hour a day at most, (taking long breaks between sets as to keep your heart rate down)

you also probably did cardio which is another retarded idea for a super skinny dude.

summary: if you are skinny, you need to work out 4 or 5 times a week for about an hour. NO CARDIO, and eat like a fucking bear

edit: didn't mean to flame you or anything, just saying that if you are super skinny - the goal should always to be to do less (workout less) and eat way way more. Training 2-3 hours a day will kill your progress

No it won't. Dude, you have no clue. Also 130 is not super skinny for my height retard. It's actually around the appropiate weight. But, consider I have very very low body fat. No, I didn't do cardio, I did cardio when I went to wrestling practice in which we ran like 7++ miles a day lol. Then add to that we wrestled like 15 practice matches a day too.

Please, stop acting like you know it all. It's my body type, not anything I did wrong. And you don't think eating 4000 calories a day being that 70% of it is protein is not eating like a bear for someone like me? Goddamn your thick.
No it won't. Dude, you have no clue. Also 130 is not super skinny for my height retard. It's actually around the appropiate weight. But, consider I have very very low body fat. No, I didn't do cardio, I did cardio when I went to wrestling practice in which we ran like 7++ miles a day lol. Then add to that we wrestled like 15 practice matches a day too.

Please, stop acting like you know it all. It's my body type, not anything I did wrong. And you don't think eating 4000 calories a day being that 70% of it is protein is not eating like a bear for someone like me? Goddamn your thick.

omg I hated wrestling so much. We ran like 4 miles before and after practice. I lost around 30 pounds and then was exhausted for baseball, which started almost right after we got eliminated in the semi finals.
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