the love thread

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Look how ripped I am guysssth!

So? He pretty much flames himself. Regardless that has nothing to do with your sudden affinity with wanting to follow me around GMD like a fucking mosquito. Fuck off!

Ha, I'm responding to your posts in two threads. In one because you said something dumb and in this one because you said something annoying.
No you are being a low-grade annoying troll is all. Who the fuck trolls someone for saying the word pwned? FAIL. AGAIN. YOU FUCKING FAIL AGAIN WHAT A SURPRISE!

Srsly, fuck off.

edit: Not to mention people say that around here all the goddamn time and you are the only one who seems to have a problem with it. How quaint.
No you are being a low-grade annoying troll is all. Who the fuck trolls someone for saying the word pwned? FAIL. AGAIN. YOU FUCKING FAIL AGAIN WHAT A SURPRISE!

Hahaha, in the other thread I criticized you for saying "fail" all the damn time and you just did it again. Also, I complained about people saying "pwned" all the time a while back, as well, so stop acting like your some kind of victim here.

I just hate "web-speak" in general. Pwned, ftw, lol, srsly... "Wtf" is ok in my book, though.
I like saying fail. You don't like it. I like saying pwned and all that other stupid INTERWEBZORS shit, because it's funny when used sparingly. You don't, I mean can we not see a trend arising here? It's pretty obvious, you don't like what I like. So you really aren't proving anything, other than the fact you can be an annoying troll.

So on that note, srsly gtfo and stfu lolzors. FUCKING PWNED fail
Not according to you. You hate it, so you are changing your mind now? Awesome.

Besides I've said that word pwned like twice (both times you decided to say something about it) in the last month or so. So it's not like I've got internet talk spewing out of my mouth like Big Dave's ass after getting pounded in the ass by his trainer.

edit: And oddly enough that goes for the whole fail thing too. You are fucking on it!
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