the love thread

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When I had alchohol poisioning, I had to be intubated, and they xrayed my chest to make sure the tube was right. In the xray they caught a part of my upper arm.

Just below my shoulder, in the bicep area, there was a dark spot. :err:

Once when I was little I had meningitis. I had to get a spinal tap and some head x rays for some reason. They found 3 or four brown shadow things and everyone started freaking out. I was like "lol wtf" while everyone else was like " liek omfg!" Anyway it turned out that they were just ciscts (sp?). Harmless.

And now I have shared my doctorial lore.
Cysts, yes. Apparently there is a possibility it could be a bone cyst. But they said they still have to watch out for other things because of its location and size. Arm? idk, I'm no doctor. I just want to get the damn xray over with.
Cysts, yes. Apparently there is a possibility it could be a bone cyst. But they said they still have to watch out for other things because of its location and size. Arm? idk, I'm no doctor. I just want to get the damn xray over with.

I've never heard of one in that area, but I'm no doctor.
I once fractured my spine in three places, and walked around with it for a week because the doctor dismissed it without an xray as muscle strain.
^ Haha, nice. Let's see, I've broken my left thumb 3 times, nearly shattered my knee on a collision at home plate (which ended my freshman season)...and had strep throat about 35 times until I got my tonsils out.
I have had minor hematuria, which is, of course, PISSING BLOOD; it was microscopic though!

Too much info? I don't care, I AM YOUR MODERATOR! I'm actually serious...I've been a kidney reflux patient my entire life!
I've got these big patches of rotting skin all over my arms. They're all pussy and bloody and if anything touches them, the pain is excruciating.

It really sucks because that's where I inject my heroin. What's the deal?
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