the love thread

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6:36 is my record, but like I said, I threw up twice without stopping to rest. I just threw up to my side. Usually I can run it in flat 7 to 7:15. I'm not really all that fit.
6:36 is my record, but like I said, I threw up twice without stopping to rest. I just threw up to my side. Usually I can run it in flat 7 to 7:15. I'm not really all that fit.

You really shouldn't be running that heavily if it induces vomiting. That's incredibly unhealthy; you could really fuck up your stomach/lungs by doing that.
Basically, I just tried to reach the 6 and a half mark by attempting to sprint a mile :lol:

I don't vomit often while running, I just felt like giving it full speed a few times.
Yea their should be a filter for shitty posts.

I love that i got new shoes today.

All you have to do is put Greys on ignore.

Also, in kindergaten we had this new shoe song. Whenever someone got new shoes, they would go before the class and we'd all sing the new shoe song. That shit instilled in me for years that getting new shoes was some sort of big deal.
On grass I can run about a 7:15 mile, but on cement I tend to get around 6:45-7:00. Must be the better traction.

I used to run the mile in track in high school. Fastest time I ever got was 6:04. My best friend used to run it with me, he ran his fastest in 5:54. Was pretty fuckin insane. Him, me and two other guys set alot of school records in the 1600, 3200 meter relays. Was fun shit. The third part to our PFT's or physical fitness tests in the Marines was running 3 miles. I set a battalion record at 18:31, which is pretty goddamn fast. I nearly died mind you.
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