the love thread

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that it's extremely gay and retarded and that all consoles should be and destroyed or whatever, I don't remember exactly but it was long, spirited and funny.
edit:sry, out of synch
Meh, they don't do anything for me. I'd much rather sit down and get lost in Metroid Prime, or kick ass in Dues Ex, or adventure around in Star Ocean :D
how do you hate grand theft auto I don't get it??

the last 3 games in the series were gaming perfection

I prefer more thought-through action-adventure with a more involving storyline, like Mafia for instance. GTA is pure shock value and while some shockers can be fun, this one simply lacks style; it's loud and obnoxious and the do whatever you want type of gameplay is deceptive. All you do is lift cars, chase and kill people in various environments.Meh
Plus I hated that it was set in modern times.It makes it more predictable. I'm more a fan of fantasy-oriented/fictitious gaming environments.
I prefer more thought-through action-adventure with a more involving storyline, like Mafia for instance.

storyline for GTA vice city and san andreas was awesome, I am not sure what you are talking about. There were very engaging storylines with quite excellent voice acting. Vice city was fantastic in this regard

do is lift cars, chase and kill people in various environments

bullshit, there are lots of excellent side missions, lots of awesome ramps to jump off, things to collect, you can buy clothes/hair cuts, not to mention the massive cities which you can just explore for hours. I spent, easily, over 300 hours on gta san andreas

Plus I hated that it was set in modern times.It makes it more predictable. I'm more a fan of fantasy-oriented/fictitious gaming environments.

san andreas is set in early 90s, vice city is set in early 80s
You don't understand, that week will be dedicated to 24 hours (or close to it) days playing GTA. Luckily for my sake it comes out during my spring break. Which means GTA and excessive drinking :)
Halo is overrated and can choke on my dick.

Oh, and the GTA games have great stories if you actually get into them. The people who say they have no story are the people who just run around blowing shit up.
kay best games:

Deus Ex
the end

Only game on your list worthy of being called "best."

Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Valkyrie Profile, Persona 2, Star Ocean: The Second Story, The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, and Final Fantasy VI are the only others I would consider to be the best of gaming :)
Yes, but even doing that is fun too. I mean what other game has 3full size, living, breathing cities and reigons of desert and forest and mountains in between, plus you can go 30000 feet in the air in an airplane, all with no loading times at all.
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