the love thread

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Though I like Illnath, I don't consider them Black Metal realy. They're more Blackened Gothic Metal. The other two however are very good. Quite familiar with both.

They are nothing like Gothic Metal if you ask me. Gothic metal is like Nightwish and etc. Alot of gothic metal bands have female lead singers etc.
Gothic metal is fine, gothic people are fucking gay. I was at an Arch Enemy show a while back and this freaky fuckin dude with black eye makeup and white face paint and like full on platemail just stared at me throughout the show, freaked me out. From there on out I couldn't look at any gothic person without getting freaked out and thinking id get raped or something. True story... Then I found ten bucks.
Gothic metal is fine, gothic people are fucking gay. I was at an Arch Enemy show a while back and this freaky fuckin dude with black eye makeup and white face paint and like full on platemail just stared at me throughout the show, freaked me out. From there on out I couldn't look at any gothic person without getting freaked out and thinking id get raped or something. True story... Then I found ten bucks.

ROFL. Well tbh black metal has that too. Wearing the spiked wrist gauntlets or what have you and black/white face paint >.>.
I miss tons of posts. you guys go about 3 pages in a couple hours. theres no way im reading through all that shit just to see one or two good posts.


I love Wolves in the Throne room... and I love atmosphere... so what I'm saying is, I like Atmospheric Black Metal. Rawk the grim!

Oh, that band is amazing. The only thing I don't like about them is their cheesy ass bio on their page.

They speak of the long, winter days where they "fear they will never see the sun" again -- as their inspirations for their music. But then, you look at where they're from, expecting them to be from Siberia or something, with the way they talk about their environment... But they're from Washington... in the Northwest US. :p

Our music is a reflection of the land in which we dwell; it draws its power from the long, dark winters, the perpetual mist. It is the sound of dampness and decay, the fear that we shall never see the sun again; it is icy and crystalline. From the site. C'mon guys, give me a freaking break.
I disagree with that. Plenty of quality titles were released after that period. You're just ridiculously old-school to the bone with an irrational all-consuming hatred towards the PS2 and related consoles.:)

That's a rather gargantuan assumption.
That's a rather gargantuan assumption.
My assumption wasn't elephantine in the slightest, plenty isn't directly indicative of a large numerical value. 30 to 40 or so is plenty enough for me. My characterization of hibernal dream as a game elitist isn't blown out of proportion either. The guy seems to truly despise all this console gaming business as was evident by his rant about it in the hate thread a few months ago for which you threatened to bootstomp his family pet or something to that extemt(making the user CAIRATH extremely elated by the opportunity to aid you in the maiming of his domestic beast)
That was pretty fun actually.
Halo / Final Fantasy / Suidoken / Metal Gear Solid just to name a few badass series on consoles after 1995. FF1 was on NES, but I'm talking about all the others.

I can name a ton more too.

I prefer comp games over console, but there are a ton of good console games.
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