the love thread

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My assumption wasn't elephantine in the slightest, plenty isn't directly indicative of a large numerical value. 30 to 40 or so is plenty enough for me. My characterization of hibernal dream as a game elitist isn't blown out of proportion either. The guy seems to truly despise all this console gaming business as was evident by his rant about it in the hate thread a few months ago for which you threatened to bootstomp his family pet or something to that extemt(making the user CAIRATH extremely elated by the opportunity to aid you in the maiming of his domestic beast)
That was pretty fun actually.

Okay, maybe I overreacted. The Longest Journey was released in 1999. Last good game. I was 4 years off. EDIT: Add Syberia too
I love anna nicole smith. Acccording to the news she's really important like in a jesus christ way.

worship anna nicole smith!
Diablo 2 is to date the only game I've payed for shit for beyond the money to purchase the game. Fucking addicting game.


Blizzard rules, but there's no way in hell I'm going to ever play World Of Warcraft, because I know I'll become addicted and I can't afford that shit. I wish they didn't can the Starcraft: Ghost game, that was looking awesome.
I hate that I have not had any pot in weeks. I have no money in my wallet, 53 dollars in my bank and am waiting for a shitty paycheck.

I need an amp,weed and an endless supply of beer and liquor.

It's so god damn cold out.
Diablo 2 is to date the only game I've payed for shit for beyond the money to purchase the game. Fucking addicting game.
Indeed. It's so streamlined and repetitive even, but god damn is it addicting. Of course the fact that the the environments and the items are randomly generated each time you play anew has helped boost the game's longevity substantially.
Which is why Dungeon Siege, being essentially almost the same, has grown stale so quickly.
And to those who mentioned Resident Evil 4- I'm playing it for the first time and it's fantastic if a bit slow-paced.
Which is why Dungeon Siege, being essentially almost the same, has grown stale so quickly.
Seconded, although the second one is a tad better. It's not a bad game at all, though.

You should try The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It beats every other RPG in terms of depth and realism in graphics.
Indeed. It's so streamlined and repetitive even, but god damn is it addicting. Of course the fact that the the environments and the items are randomly generated each time you play anew has helped boost the game's longevity substantially.
Which is why Dungeon Siege, being essentially almost the same, has grown stale so quickly.
And to those who mentioned Resident Evil 4- I'm playing it for the first time and it's fantastic if a bit slow-paced.

The Diablo games also have stellar music, at least as far as I'm concerned.
Okay, maybe I overreacted. The Longest Journey was released in 1999. Last good game. I was 4 years off. EDIT: Add Syberia too
Oh so you're mainly a PC adventure zealot. No wonder you're so disappointed in today's gaming market. But there were a few more recent gems released in this genre-Runaway:The Road Adventure,
Broken Sword 3, Indigo Prophecy, Quest for Glory 5 and a new fanmade King's Quest title is in development, from what I've heard. Can't remeember anything else at the moment.
Oh so you're mainly a PC adventure zealot. No wonder you're so disappointed in today's gaming market. But there were a few more recent gems released in this genre-Runaway:The Road Adventure,
Broken Sword 3, Indigo Prophecy, Quest for Glory 5 and a new fanmade King's Quest title is in development, from what I've heard. Can't remeember anything else at the moment.

I'm halfway through Runaway 2 and it's surprisingly good! Much better than Dreamfall, which was a huge disappointment. I'm not a fan of Broken Sword at all. Didn't QFG5 come out about 6 years ago?

But you can't seriously tell me there's anything remotely good on the consoles. ("remotely good" automatically disqualifies all shooters and japanese anime RPGs which basically covers the entire console market).
I love that some 12 year old body was found. Who wants to hear about their 12 year old boy turning up dead. If I had a kid and the kid turned up dead would be pretty happy about it, but according to a lot of people they enjoy having and taking care of a kid so thank god the kid was found. Give the searchers a cookie.
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