the love thread

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But you can't seriously tell me there's anything remotely good on the consoles. ("remotely good" automatically disqualifies all shooters and japanese anime RPGs which basically covers the entire console market).

Hold on! Do you just mean there's nothing remotely good for the consoles now or that there isn't in the sense that there never has been? If you believe the latter then I think you're fucking nuts.
Hold on! Do you just mean there's nothing remotely good for the consoles now or that there isn't in the sense that there never has been? If you believe the latter then I think you're fucking nuts.

I mean now, pretty much. Any decent console game made today is released on PC anyway. But even then, I can't think of too many memorable console titles, memorable in the sense of being something more than just trigger-finger titillation or levelling-up gayness. The thought of a grown adult sitting and controlling a stuffed toy jumping around picking up bonuses is pretty lame. I have enjoyed a few though, namely Shadowrun, Ogre Battle, Lost Vikings, Out of this World and Chronotrigger
I think I've finally given up on console games; I haven't played in over two months. Even the new Final Fantasy and the Wild ARMs remake wasn't enough to revive my former love for the PS2. I think it's time to move on; as soon as I beat those two games, I'm going to get rid of my PS2 and get a real DVD player.
I was never a video game person. I had an N64 with like three games which I rarely played. I've got a few computer games such as Simcity 3000 Unlimited, Age of Empires I II and III, and Descent Freespace I and II.
I'm loving the new Megadeth track, oddly. I've been having a major Megadeth disc playing session this week, along with Sacred Reich and Testament.

Testament, while enjoyable every now and then gets old, quick.
And their best forgotten later period.

The Legacy is good, The New Order is okay, the rest can fuck themselves.
I hate that I might be joining this horrible trendy modern punk/alternative band on second guitar. There is no metal musicians,people don't like it and I can't just sit in my room playing guitar for the rest of my life and not set aside my taste. I saw the band live and could play it on guitar and hot chicks seem to really like the music so why not

what should I do ?

I'm really not sure

to stay on topic

I hate that I might be joining this horrible trendy modern punk/alternative band on second guitar. There is no metal musicians,people don't like it and I can't just sit in my room playing guitar for the rest of my life and not set aside my taste. I saw the band live and could play it on guitar and hot chicks seem to really like the music so why not
Tell them you will not join until they learn how to play some death metal riffs and get a new singer, they will either accept or they will kick you out of the band and you can find a better band to join who plays metal :headbang:
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