the love thread

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don't even joke about it roachmaster :lol:

...and so you should. It's an all time classic. Lyrically, coming from an industrial town decimated by years of Thatcherite policies, "The Truth Famine" has amazing personal resonance. It could be dad singing the words (except he has an awful voice)
I don't think he is disagreeable. You have to understand that there will always be people who want to argue - and he has a singular vision that he won't be dissuaded from. Listen to A Semblance of Normality compared to Folkemon. It is apparent that Martin didn't want to jetison the metal.

TCD was a shame, but you could read Martins explanation some time ago; he did seem properly mystified about why the project seemed to fall apart.

If he was so disagreeable, I doubt Andy Sneap and he could ever be able to tour together, as they are currently, given the past bad blood between them.
Ah, perhaps - I just wish he could find another band and keep making music, but I do hear he is supposedly working on some short stories and poems so that'll be cool enough.
Ah, perhaps - I just wish he could find another band and keep making music, but I do hear he is supposedly working on some short stories and poems so that'll be cool enough.

I agree entirely. He won't give up music, despite earlier protestations. The man has metal in the blood. There was a recent blabbermouth article about the death of his father where he promised to keep on going with music; it was a moving piece (as you would expect).

I just wish he was a bit more prolific too!:lol:

Vocalist Martin Walkyier (SABBAT, SKYCLAD, THE CLAN DESTINED) has penned the following tribute to his father, who passed away on February 25:

"It is with a deep feeling of sadness that I write these words to inform you all of the recent death of my father, who finally passed away in hospital following a long illness on the evening of Sunday the 25th of February 2007.

"Roy Orlando Walkyier [photo] was a kind and loving husband, father and grandfather, who will be greatly missed by the members of my family as well as all those who knew him personally. He was also the oldest and amongst the most dedicated members of THE CLAN DESTINED. His steadfast support and encouragement during very difficult times was undoubtedly one of the main reasons that I was actually able to finish the TCD demo recordings for you all to hear.

"Roy was always a constant source of fatherly encouragement to me during every stage of my musical career; from the very beginning to the early days of SABBAT, through my many years in SKYCLAD and then recently with THE CLAN DESTINED project. Without him being behind me it is highly unlikely that I would have been able to do any of the many albums and concerts I have recorded and played for your entertainment over the last two decades.

"I promised Roy on his death bed that I would carry-on with my work in whatever way possible, and that I shall one day complete something truly very special indeed, which I shall dedicate to him as a lasting tribute to his memory. I would like to kindly ask all those among you who have followed my work, and been influenced in any way by the music I have made over the years to assist me in this noble quest. Roy was without a doubt a unique human being, greatly loved by all who knew him; and the world is now a sadder and emptier place without him in it. I take consolation from the fact that he is now finally at peace, and that one fine day I shall meet him again in Valhalla.

"May your guardian spirits be with you always!"
On the topic of the recently deceased, Kurt Vonnegut died two days ago from brain injuries after taking a spill at his Manhattan home. According to Jon Stewart, "...the world just got less interesting." For those of you who don't know, he was a famous sci-fi/black comedy/satirist who wrote critically-acclaimed novels such as Slaughterhouse Five, Breakfast of Champions, and Cat's Cradle.

For further reference, see:


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