I love you guys. Every last one of you. Even dave.
I'm terribly happy that Liverpool beat Chelsea.
Oh yea -- you and I are definitely hanging out when I move to England. We're gigging it up.
I got so bored with guitar hero... maybe that's why I could never learn the guitar... because even the video game part of it bores me. Honestly, playing some boring ass "psychobilly freakout" on expert a billion times because the intro is fucking impossible just interests me ZERO, and when I see my older brother playing it instead of... getting his teaching degree i kind of frown and sigh and just shrug it off.... maybe i'm just a dick, but it seems real boring to me.
Spinal Tap-tonight i'm gonna rock you tonight
The Police-message in a bottle
Kansas-carry on wayward sun
the sword-freya
the allman brothers-jessica