the love thread

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Also, I love Final Fantasy. Just got FFXII and it is amazing. AMAZING. Great graphics and epic storyline... Final Fantasy is THE best game franchise ever. Possibly challenged by Sonic (which I've been playing a lot lately) But after Sonic and Knuckles that franchise turned to shit. So Final Fantasy wins hands down.
Too busy watching the Patriots shutting out Green Bay and seeing Borat.
How about Donovan McNabb getting hurt today? Did you see that one? Tore his ACL and out for the season. Things are looking good for Cowboys fans.

Anyway, that's Green Bay. Big whoop. They're 4-5 and Farve got hurt. Not as big a deal as the Colts losing.

How about the Ohio State-Michigan game?
That was a grat game, I'm an OSU fan and it was great. It was closer than it should have been at the end though.
Also, I love Final Fantasy. Just got FFXII and it is amazing. AMAZING. Great graphics and epic storyline... Final Fantasy is THE best game franchise ever. Possibly challenged by Sonic (which I've been playing a lot lately) But after Sonic and Knuckles that franchise turned to shit. So Final Fantasy wins hands down.

It also beats Sonic in terms of variety, for no two FF games were the same. Final Fantasy is the only one of my original video game loves that I still follow. I just sort of gave up on Sonic.
It's not really that they sucked, they're just really unremarkable and unashamedly rehashed.
Thus, they sucked. Originality is key in my appraisal of a game. That's why I love Final Fantasy, it's always new and never rehashed, but they always put the nostalgic touches in, like the victory song, or chocobos, or spells and such. It takes a lot of creativity to do the plot and gameplay in a Final Fantasy game. Much respect to Square Enix.

I feel like a loser.
I watched the Wolverines bitch out vs the Buckeyes. They could have used that last 60 seconds to advance the ball and kick the game-tieing feild goal.
I tried to watch my Raiders vs the Chiefs, but I knew they blow it, again (which they did).
Didn't get to see the Steelers beat Cleveland. Would have been a good game. :(
And I also missed the Hawkeyes loose to Minnesota. WTF?!?!
Jesus Christ, I like shitty teams.
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