the love thread

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It is a generic and typical, not to mention overrated (with the exception of 6 and 8, and possibly 12 (have not played it yet)) RPG series that got big and therefore overshadowed FAR better RPGs such as the Persona games, Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean 2, Kartia, etc
i hear persona 2 is good but ugh persona 1....the story might be good but the gameplay was so fucking horrible and the graphics so ugly and dull i quit early so i wouldnt know
Yeah, essentially aside from their mechanical changes the games are generally the same with 8 and 12 (from what I hear) being the only ones with much to bring to the table.
10 had a great plot, but the battle system was the same old same old. The game is supposed to be similar to older versions. The thing I like about it is the plot. It's like playing a movie, and with the exception of 10-2 which sucked royally, the plots and stories are awesome. That's what I like about it.
Persona 2 could have been one of the best RPGs ever, yet something that I can not explain was lacking from it.

Star Ocean 2 holds the position of being the best RPG ever, and possibly one of the few flawless games (unless you count Indalecio being almost impossible to beat on Universe mode with his limited turned off, without cheating or glitching.) It has to date the most fun final boss for an RPG ever.
10 had a great plot, but the battle system was the same old same old. The game is supposed to be similar to older versions. The thing I like about it is the plot. It's like playing a movie, and with the exception of 10-2 which sucked royally, the plots and stories are awesome. That's what I like about it.

10's plot was an overdone love story that lacked the true emotional punch of 8, and 10 was really a step forward with the battle system, implimenting a condition based battle system more so than a "timer" based one. It made battles flow more naturally than the ATB system.

The plots are okay, I LOVED 6's, 8's was GREAT but I am a sucker for romance stories, and the others are kind of ... not worth mentioning.
10's plot was an overdone love story that lacked the true emotional punch of 8, and 10 was really a step forward with the battle system, implimenting a condition based battle system more so than a "timer" based one. It made battles flow more naturally than the ATB system.

The plots are okay, I LOVED 6's, 8's was GREAT but I am a sucker for romance stories, and the others are kind of ... not worth mentioning.
The battle system for 12 is awesome. The plot is very epic but is really just OK at this point.
I'm glad, from what I've heard, that there isn't an overdone love story, as there have only been 2 FF games to pull off a good love story, those being 6 and 8. I used to love 7s but then I realized I just liked Aeris and not the actual love story.
and with the exception of 10-2 which sucked royally, the plots and stories are awesome.

Their first mistake was not letting Nobuo Uematsu compose the music. Without him, it suffered. I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't do 12 either, but I haven't heard any of the music yet, so I can't decide.

Nobuo Uematsu is the greatest video game composer that ever lived. :worship: He's one of the main reasons I love the FF games so much.
He didn't do the music for 12? Wow, I couldn't tell. The music is great. Very epic yet catchy and very enjoyable.

Great for when you're doing the annoying testify mission. That dumb ass mission is the only thing I've found wrong with the game. That and the love story is very immature and is very much puppy love.
I rarely play video games anymore. It's not just the same anymore like when I was 12 and played them for what it seemed like days straight. The essence of enjoying video games is zero.

I feel similarly, I find that there are very few games with any playing value at all, let alone replay value. But I have never been let down by an FF game, and thus I will follow the series until its inevitable downfall.
I hate the "guys that look like girls" style FF employs. I don't dig the Asian style. It is unfortunate that almost all console RPG's use the Japanese style. I much prfer the classic PC RPG look. The classic fantasy look. Screw weird hair and ghey outfits.
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