the love thread

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On topic of games: I'm currently downloading Heroes V's expansinon.(it's not even in stores yet) I hope I won't be disappointed. I've been an avid fan of the series throughout all its ups and downs and this new one seems promising enough(new fanction+random map generator ftw:kickass:)
I used to play Morrowind a lot. Oblivion had a lot of improvements but something was missing. I beat the dark brotherhood and then lost interest.

Also, Chrono Trigger rules.
If you have Oblivion on PC, I rec the download of Mart's Monster Mod and Francesco's mod - perfect things to liven up Oblivion.
FF7 was the best, havn't played them all though (...4 7,8 10 maybe 6)

Secret of Mana was wicked, super nintendo job.

I tried getting back into playing games a while ago, i finsished ghost hunter and god of war but havn't played anything since... maybe when the Wii comes out i will get one, why they changed the name from Revolution is pretty pathetic but meh, i'll play with my Wii.
I have mixed feelings about consoles now (I also have no time for them sadly).

I will definately agree with Secret of Mana, it was damn perfect to me.
Well i will always think the microsoft consoles are gay, so count them out. I had a nintendo and a super, then went to a sony then a sony2, so i guess i'll give nintendo another go, hopefully i get back into playing it, but not too much (or i'll die if a nerd attack) And it is by far the cheapest new console... i think.

Anyway computer games are too annoying to play, and online games just seems gay to me, all those little nerds owning your ass because... thats there life, what a piece of shit.
I agree, that's why if I ever have friends with the same games, it LAN only (I've only done a LAN party once in highschool, in computer class). Screw online play, I'd rather fight the computer.

Edit: I loathed N64.
haha i can imagine Mike DiSalvo walking into the room, staring it the 64 and yelling " I LOATHEEEEEEE YOU" then destroying it haha.

They sucked ass, controllers were terrible, always stuffed up, the games were made for 0 yr olds, basically all round the were bad.
The worst thing is having that friend, you know, the one that only owns a 64, and when you go there you have to play one of his two only games, AGAIN! haha
Also, Chrono Trigger rules.

Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross FTW. :kickass:

Despite being a PS junkie for the past ten or so years, there is no fucking way I am going to spend that much on a PS3. Hell, I didn't even buy my first PS2 until 2003 and I got it for only 80 bucks at an used bookstore. :kickass:

And I never really liked Nintendo after the 64, so fuck the Wii. :rolleyes:

And Xbox 360? Ghey. I don't like most of the Xbox games anyway. Halo is possibly the most overrated game in the history of gaming. The Quake games wipe the floor with it in gameplay, fun factor, and originality. I mean, come on, most shooters these days use the QUAKE engine.
And I never really liked Nintendo after the 64, so fuck the Wii. :rolleyes:

I mean, come on, most shooters these days use the QUAKE engine.

Okay, because there has only been ONE Nintendo system after the 64 ... aside from the Wii

Yes but the best use the Unreal engine.
I can't believe sony is charging such an insane amount of cash for the PS3...I heard they were charging over a thousand USD in the hell is anyone in Argentina going to afford such a thing?

Wii....I'll just play it at Best Buy for a few minutes, probably all I need. Gamecube blew hard, and so did PS2 (broke waaaay too easy). Smash Brothers is the most over-rated fighting game I've ever seen, I can't stand playing it.
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