the love thread

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Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross FTW. :kickass:

Despite being a PS junkie for the past ten or so years, there is no fucking way I am going to spend that much on a PS3. Hell, I didn't even buy my first PS2 until 2003 and I got it for only 80 bucks at an used bookstore. :kickass:

And I never really liked Nintendo after the 64, so fuck the Wii. :rolleyes:

And Xbox 360? Ghey. I don't like most of the Xbox games anyway. Halo is possibly the most overrated game in the history of gaming. The Quake games wipe the floor with it in gameplay, fun factor, and originality. I mean, come on, most shooters these days use the QUAKE engine.

Chrono Cross and Trigger are much better than any FF game, I'll give you that one.

Xbox's only strength is the games and graphics. They are unreliable, overpriced peices of Microsoft shit.

Playstation 1/2 raised the bar. 1 added analog controllers (yes, N64 did it first, but did it extremely poorly) CD driven game systems which result in better graphics, more adult games, etc. Playstation 2 was basically a computer, except for the retarded attempt at a hard drive. XBox stole that idea basically and incorporated it, but made it more expensive and you have to buy a memory card or pack your XBox to play a game at another person's house and expect to save it. Xbox 360 is going for a more entertainment less video game feel, with the new feature or whatever with that button in the middle. Just more to fuck up IMO. Xbox 360 is basically a computer, but PS3 seems to be basically an advanced console with a computer type feel.

I prefer the PS3, I have yet to play one but I trust Sony a hell of a lot more than Microsoft.
Chrono Trigger is amazing. I wonder,should they remake it into an X-box,gamecube or ps3 game? And of course add new things to it?
Hmm I dont the PS3 its just overpriced if your getting one i suggest that you get a gaming computer because that would do what sony tries to do only better and i would wait a little while fore a playstation because look at amazon xbox 360 for a hundred bucks and yes final fantasy great games ten and seven have to be the best and 11 looks pretty good and i will shortly have 12
Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross FTW. :kickass:

Despite being a PS junkie for the past ten or so years, there is no fucking way I am going to spend that much on a PS3. Hell, I didn't even buy my first PS2 until 2003 and I got it for only 80 bucks at an used bookstore. :kickass:

And I never really liked Nintendo after the 64, so fuck the Wii. :rolleyes:

And Xbox 360? Ghey. I don't like most of the Xbox games anyway. Halo is possibly the most overrated game in the history of gaming. The Quake games wipe the floor with it in gameplay, fun factor, and originality. I mean, come on, most shooters these days use the QUAKE engine.

Any console after Super Nintendo/Sega Mega System is incredibly gay, stupid and should be sent to the ovens. Where the fuck is the joy in playing hundreds of FPS clones and RPG ripoffs shitted out of the console development companies every year? Nothing new in those genres or the consoles has been created since Wolfenstein and Ultima came out on the PC. Good graphics? Who gives a shit unless you're a pre-pubsecent boy who thinks that that games=graphics. Has anything on a console come close or built upon to the level of political complexity and educational value of Civilization, the narrative plotting and innovative programming of the early Lucasarts/Sierra games, the tactics simulated on Dune, the careful pacing and immersive interface of Myst?

The only thing good about consoles is that it is a fucking CONSOLE - it is simple to use, portable and fun. Now, how do you justify anything that tries (and fails unabashedly) to build upon these conveniences with spiffy graphics and unnnecessarily complex gameplay that requires a PhD in console development to control the damn thing? I'd have thought there'd be more intelligence on a metal forum. This discussion is like arguing which nu-metal band is the best, when in fact they're all crap and there's a whole better scene that is completely forgotten. I'm now convinced you're all fucking 13 years old.
^game elitism:lol: But I agree to an extent, the classics will rarely if ever be matched.
The last truly innovative RTS(of sorts) game that came out was Shiny's sadly misunderstood Sacrifice. Lucas Arts reached their creative apex in the adventure genre with Grim Fandango. Sierra became artistically dead after the release of Lighthouse(which wasn't all that amazing either) and they never topped their Quest series. I guess, the 3d action/adventure genre overall, is more invested and has quite a few quality titles- but for me Mafia takes the cake. Turn-based strategy's domineering force is the HoMM series, Team tactics action/puzzle games haven't been topped since the days of The Lost Vikings and Fury of the Furries. And The Burnout series is the only action racer franchise worth ivesting into.
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