the love thread

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Any console after Super Nintendo/Sega Mega System is incredibly gay, stupid and should be sent to the ovens. Where the fuck is the joy in playing hundreds of FPS clones and RPG ripoffs shitted out of the console development companies every year? Nothing new in those genres or the consoles has been created since Wolfenstein and Ultima came out on the PC. Good graphics? Who gives a shit unless you're a pre-pubsecent boy who thinks that that games=graphics. Has anything on a console come close or built upon to the level of political complexity and educational value of Civilization, the narrative plotting and innovative programming of the early Lucasarts/Sierra games, the tactics simulated on Dune, the careful pacing and immersive interface of Myst?

The only thing good about consoles is that it is a fucking CONSOLE - it is simple to use, portable and fun. Now, how do you justify anything that tries (and fails unabashedly) to build upon these conveniences with spiffy graphics and unnnecessarily complex gameplay that requires a PhD in console development to control the damn thing? I'd have thought there'd be more intelligence on a metal forum. This discussion is like arguing which nu-metal band is the best, when in fact they're all crap and there's a whole better scene that is completely forgotten. I'm now convinced you're all fucking 13 years old.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you feeling okay? Did somebody bootstomp the family pet?

First time I've ever used an anime smiley here I think, but it deserves such.

BTW I played Wii Sports yesterday; 'twas fun but I won't be buying any of the new systems for a few years. I'm just now getting a black DS (lite).
Attila > Dead IN MAYHEM. Elsewhere [Morbid (Swe)], Dead is an excellent Death Metal vocalist. Though of course Attila is also great in Tormentor.
I just found out they have released ES: Oblivion for Playstation, which is another reason for me to get one, although I don't have any 650 dollars or whatever. I will prob get a xbox 360 when they release Resident Evil 5
Any console after Super Nintendo/Sega Mega System is incredibly gay, stupid and should be sent to the ovens. Where the fuck is the joy in playing hundreds of FPS clones and RPG ripoffs shitted out of the console development companies every year? Nothing new in those genres or the consoles has been created since Wolfenstein and Ultima came out on the PC. Good graphics? Who gives a shit unless you're a pre-pubsecent boy who thinks that that games=graphics. Has anything on a console come close or built upon to the level of political complexity and educational value of Civilization, the narrative plotting and innovative programming of the early Lucasarts/Sierra games, the tactics simulated on Dune, the careful pacing and immersive interface of Myst?

The only thing good about consoles is that it is a fucking CONSOLE - it is simple to use, portable and fun. Now, how do you justify anything that tries (and fails unabashedly) to build upon these conveniences with spiffy graphics and unnnecessarily complex gameplay that requires a PhD in console development to control the damn thing? I'd have thought there'd be more intelligence on a metal forum. This discussion is like arguing which nu-metal band is the best, when in fact they're all crap and there's a whole better scene that is completely forgotten. I'm now convinced you're all fucking 13 years old.

Fucking hell, you haven't played many console games other than the cover games from popular magazines over the last couple of generations have you? While PC games have slumped into ever more generic RTS/FPS hell, it's the console market that has been making games more fun, more multi player and generally better. I would wager that I've been playing games before you were even conceived, and trust me, nostalgia is a bitch - and this from a guy with a 6'6'' MAME machine in his games room.

PC games? Pfffft. The last good one was Master of Orion 2.

Pc gamers - thanks for the RTS - now I can measure how many tanks I can possibly build.:erk:
Fie on anyone who thinks these games are boring. The Warhammer/40K games are much more imaginative than the average video game of recent years. Of course, they're also much more expensive and involved, so it's your choice, really.

That said, I don't own any Warhammer stuff of my own. *shameful*

May I rec. Blood Royale by Games Workshop ? It's a bit of a holy grail on ebay, but honestly, with five of you, a few hours and a slab of beer, nothing is more fun (except bumming each other).:kickass:
Talisman and Arkham Horror are great table-top fantasy games, you disregard the fact that the former is a total luckfest and the latter features some truly cumbersome game mechanics(moreso as the number of player increases)
Hero Quest was another memorable childhood favorite:kickass:
Never played it):
Your mention of Master of Orion 2 reminded me of Star Control 2. Now that was an awesome title. There is a professional fan remake of the game called Timewarp.
You know what's really gotten boring and generic in recent years? Anime. I swear to God, I've watched maybe two or three anime series since 1999 (the Golden Year of Anime, IMO) that even registered with me. Even the more atypical ones were pretty generic and static.

Was anime ever any good? always struck me as a conquest of hype over content.
Was anime ever any good? always struck me as a conquest of hype over content.

There have been some quality anime series in the past, but it's become a cultural phenomenon here in America and has become bastardized beyond recognition. Now every budding artist/animator emulates the anime-style and originality is pretty much lost.
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