the love thread

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1. Halo fucking pwns you
2. Gamecube was not too shabby in the graphics department and overall a quality gaming systems, but not enough good titles, although it was worth getting just for RE4
3. I will probably get the PS3 seeing as how they already have some good titles including ES: Oblivion, even though I might get an XBOX 360 when they release RE5
4. I didn't even realize Wii was Nintendo's answer to the PS3/360 until after it was released :erk:
5. Halo pwns you
The Wii is GREATLY outselling the PS3 right now and is 250k away from having sold a million units, the PS3 is 750k away from selling a million units.
I'm sure a lot of that has to due with short supply, since Sony ALWAYS has a very small first shipment.
I love listening to this Chamber Music album I've got. The music is so downright bone-chilling in it's virtuostic grimness, which can be both downright creepy and also quite enjoyable. I find it to be both damning and enchanting, with some very elegant melodies poipping up here and there :)
The Wii is GREATLY outselling the PS3 right now and is 250k away from having sold a million units, the PS3 is 750k away from selling a million units.

this is kind of ridiculous to say given that its entirely based on how many units were shipped at launch

I tried selling my old N64 to a video game shop. The guy said he'd pay me ten bucks and use it as a doorstop.

was this this guy?

There eventually came a point when the store had a large stack of used N64s looking for homes. And the door was held open in the spring so that all could enjoy the warming air as we dared to venture outside of electronic entertainment shrines.

Anyway, the Nintendo 64 proves be a very effective doorstop when pushed into the frame.
I love listening to this Chamber Music album I've got. The music is so downright bone-chilling in it's virtuostic grimness, which can be both downright creepy and also quite enjoyable. I find it to be both damning and enchanting, with some very elegant melodies poipping up here and there :)

Got a name for that album? Last non metal thing I got was a gregorian chant album that was ended up being a gregorian chant pop album (as in covers of modern pop songs :erk:)
Frankly, I really want to find some tibetan chant music, or a full blown Joik album.
Well, I have been listening to a Baroque album of works by Jean Phillippe Rameau perormed by Scott Ross, entitled "Complete Works for solo keyoboard"

I would recommend as an introduction to classical, the album Aria 2: New Horizon, by Aria. It is an ambient/classical/opera crossover album. A very good album

Or you can listen to some Tibetan chant music. Of which I am not too familiar with :)
I'm not a noob to classical, but I am definately a noob to the chant music, and Joik - which I just cannot find anywhere :mad:
Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross FTW. :kickass:

Despite being a PS junkie for the past ten or so years, there is no fucking way I am going to spend that much on a PS3. Hell, I didn't even buy my first PS2 until 2003 and I got it for only 80 bucks at an used bookstore. :kickass:

And I never really liked Nintendo after the 64, so fuck the Wii. :rolleyes:

And Xbox 360? Ghey. I don't like most of the Xbox games anyway. Halo is possibly the most overrated game in the history of gaming. The Quake games wipe the floor with it in gameplay, fun factor, and originality. I mean, come on, most shooters these days use the QUAKE engine.

Well since your a tight ass your going to have to get the Wii :lol:

And yes Halo is way overated, stupid fat boy xbox controllers piss me off too, and the "smaller" controller is still huge.

My friend was on a games forum and some wank tried to argue that the playstation controllers outset of buttons, using shapes instead of letters like nintendo, was a terrible set up and too hard too remember :lol: (they have letters on them anyway as well)
I've seen the Wii controller and it's like a little rectangle remote... i don't know how the fuck it's going to work.o_O

Ps: Does "Chrono Crusade" the anime, have anything to do with chrono trigger, they have like the same clock thing going on in the logos.
omfg lolololol rofls u said chrono then it was in chronlogi... and lolz:p :oops:

Anyway i'm off to sexpo
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