the love thread

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It's not the aesthetics of the style that bother me; I can see that on a visual level alone, anime can be pleasing. It's in the sodding storylines that I am made to suffer - I mean, Christ, can't they take some of the money they save from only having 7 frames of animation per hour and spend it on a competent script writer rather than a barely pubescent stoner hammering away at a keyboard ?
It's not the aesthetics of the style that bother me; I can see that on a visual level alone, anime can be pleasing. It's in the sodding storylines that I am made to suffer - I mean, Christ, can't they take some of the money they save from only having 7 frames of animation per hour and spend it on a competent script writer rather than a barely pubescent stoner hammering away at a keyboard ?

I have had the opportunity to see my share of anime glory before the entire world was swept into the 'dragonball z', 'pokemon' and the current 'yu-gi-yo' hysteria, and I agree that there is not alot of originality in any of the recent stuff. I haven't kept up with anime really, partly because of the horrible dubbing. I prefer my anime to be subtitled... Some of my favorite anime's are of the first wave of anime which I experienced before the dubbed versions were even available.
Indeed. Script-writing in general for television/episodical shows is at an all-time low right now, in my opinion. I can't remember the last time something new came out that I actually watched. All these TV dramas/crime shows/cartoons are a load of unoriginal bullshit, and people have the audacity to ask me why I'm such a stiff about them. I don't know, maybe because I prefer quality over "kewl special fx" and lame humor/plots.

I have 5 or 6 of this guy's (and other Studio Ghibli directors) films and beyond having amazing visuals with incredibly detailed and wonderful painted backdrops, the stories, ideas and originality displayed on such a consistent level amazed me when I first saw them. I've gotten used to the style now, but the spectacle is still great to behold - these guys are in a class all their own.
I just saw Scarface for the first time. I had no idea it was a comedy.. :lol:

I loved the montage the best. What a montage. It had everything.

The motherfuckin' montage... :lol:
I love.

(someone tell me how much it will cost to ship one cd to Holland/The Netherlands please).
Had no idea there were so many Games workshop fans here. I played 40k many times a week for about 3 years. Took a break then got big into Warhammer Fantasty, played some Gothic too. I spent way too much money on that stuff. GW these days is turning into an evil corporation,. They raise prices all the fucking time. Stuff that was 20 bucks when I started playing is $35+ now.
Had no idea there were so many Games workshop fans here. I played 40k many times a week for about 3 years. Took a break then got big into Warhammer Fantasty, played some Gothic too. I spent way too much money on that stuff. GW these days is turning into an evil corporation,. They raise prices all the fucking time. Stuff that was 20 bucks when I started playing is $35+ now.

more than 35+ try around 50-60 if your a console gamer
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