The Love Thread

i love the rain :)

i havent had a relationship for a few years, i try if i think id like to be with someone specific, but i find im mostly content spending time on my own, i have plenty to do
I don't need love. Love is boring. Hate is much, much more powerful! Have you ever seen a supervillain cry about love? No.. Only the c0ckfag "heroes" bitch about it..
Yeah fuck it. I thought on this shit a lot , I think the best way to live is to do whatever for YOURSELF to enjoy this life, Not to share it with a girl who might leave you a day or the girl who you really don't love.
If I find the girl who I really love I will give her everything I have but if I don't I will try to enjoy every second of my life being alone.

That's is how I look at it. I don't feel I need a relationship to justify my existence, I can enjoy being alone as much if not more than being tied to someone. Then again I find being around people gets annoying after too long and I very rarely meet a girl that is interesting enough for me to spend all my time and effort on. Most of them start to get on my nerves after things move into a serious relationship. However I won't say that some awesome girl won't appear one day and blow my mind, somewhere out there is a metal-chick that I'd like.
Well that's just a fantasy there :p. I'd love it if she was though, most girls listen to music I can't stand and they can't stand mine. Maybe I should say she has to be into rockish music. I can't see myself being with a girl that listens to nothing but top 40 pop/hip hop music, all the ones I've met won't tolerate my music as I would theirs, and they seem to have a totally different definition of fun. Dated quite a few girls and so far music still seems important in the relationship