Yeeeaah !! It looks great.
What I do not like is an entire song for Vortex, he is a great singer but he is not the borknagar frontman.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....Tew mach my batarooo....eyee washa may hennnnn.....ayayayayayayayaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, be quiet. I've been dying for a new song with Simen.
Does Tyr post here? Maybe Dave will know but do either of you know what amps are being used for the bass? The tone is pretty killer.
The bass was not going to the mixingconsole at all....just in the mix.. the bass went through the Superfly amp, via the miced Ampeg cap. The mice was a U47 to a API 212 preamp and to a DBX 160 compressor. The DI line was a Little Labs DI-box to a telefunken V72 preamp and to a 1176 compressor.
Shit sounds cool, can't wait for the next update and album!
Amazing vid! the bass sounds really good, I hope to hear it clearly on Universal.
I didn't get the ´lack of grim vocals'... Universal will be like TAC on that matter??