The mars volta

Deloused looks like the fan favorite, don't blame you guys at all it was an AMG album pick & it's fun to listen to. I like Frances the mute a lot too but not as much as Deloused. I'm looking foward to their next album.

P.S> the live album is scabdates but go see a real show, a live cd doesn't cut it.
the first time I heard At the Drive In I was hooked, the video for One Armed Scissor. Then I didn't know what happened to them for a while, then I heard that The Mars Volta had some of the members and now I like them. I also heard about one other band that other members of At the Drive In went to, can someone tell me their name and if they sound like the other two?
Towedwart said:
Sounds like a great forum. Too bad signing up is a funny little time waster followed by a 403 - Forbidden error. Perhaps it will have healed itself by tomorrow?

got the same problem.......what a pitty
This band is a fucking dog. The first album had its moments but the second oh boy was it bad, yes.
well the first two albums weren't really up my alley, but i really like the new album so far.