the mood thread

Noooo, if I do that in this fucking freezing bloody windy coooooooooooold, they'll stay like that forever, and I can't caress any pets or men with crossed fingers.
fuck cold rain :yell: it was just around zero this morning, sky pissing down. by the time I reached my workplace my hair looked like a dead squirrel. atleast for awhile it looked like a real winter here. minus 11 and snow all over.
Loona said:
in my case it's my mind that doesn't feel like focusing on the topic in which I will have an assignment tomorrow... *bit scared*

I think i feel like that every day. except mathmatics.
"I'm just not happy. I'm just not happy. I'm just not happy because my life didn't turn out the way I thought it would." :yell: :yell: :yell:

Hey! Join the fucking club, ok? I thought I was going to be the starting center fielder for the Boston Red Sox. Life sucks; get a fucking helmet.

"I'm not happy. I'm not happy." :yell: :erk: :yell:

Nobody's happy, OK? Happiness comes in small doses folks. It's a cigarette, or a chocolate cookie, or a five second orgasm. That's it. You cum, you eat the cookie, you smoke the butt, you go to sleep, you get up in the morning and go to fucking work. That is it. End of fucking list.

"I'm just not happy." :yell:

Shut the fuck up!! That's the name of my new book: Shut the Fuck Up, by Doctor Denis Leary. A revolutionary new form of therapy

So I'll start.

Woe is me :cry: :erk: :ill:


Btw, anyone interested can get the necessary apparel and accessories at

Warning: only for the tragically beautiful (like me, of course -- I could be beautiful, but I turned out to be tragic).
Bambi said:
Nobody's happy, OK? Happiness comes in small doses folks. It's a cigarette, or a chocolate cookie, or a five second orgasm. That's it.
that's satisfaction, not happiness!

anyway, what IS happiness?
come to think of it, we've had this discussion before. wasn't there a thread long ago about "are you happy?" or something?
I just downloaded a 500 mb linux iso file. took nearly three hours. SO im typing away and suddenly ie did its fucktarded little routine when the download finishes of popping up a window while copies it to its final destination. as i hit enter. so it cancelled. I said "oh fiddlesticks" and pursed my lips

actually I repeatedly hit me head off the keyboard, while screaming FUCKHEAD


