The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Samael - Crown

Great album.

@Elvina: I also enjoy VI, but I can´t avoid to consider it a mere Arcturus´ shadow, thus I will never consider it among my fav bands. It´s a very sad fate, the same goes for IK. The last Katatonia album was very Opeth-esque, which is sad.

Samael / Under One Flag. The first 2 riffs are killer.
Ha, it was just me realizing that I haven't listened to Tool in like 5 years. I just really lost interest in them entirely. :lol: I don't think they're bad, I especially still love their first three records, I just haven't listened to it in forever.

Honestly, seeing them live and dealing with their fans kind of put me off their music. I was never willing to accept Tool as part of the nu-metal movement until I saw them live and realized who it was that listened to them. After that I got kinda disillusioned with the band, and then they put out a couple records in a row that I didn't like very much. (No offense to you, of course, it was more an affront the moronic Slipknot listening meatheads who were at the show I went to.) It was enough for me.

NP: Anathema // We're Here Because We're Here —*It's love, I think.
No offense to you, of course, it was more an affront the moronic Slipknot listening meatheads who were at the show I went to.

Ha ha, none taken! Everyone's entitled to their opinion, I just wasn't sure what your's was ;)
I certainly wouldn't count TOOL as Nu-Metal either; for me that more or less always incorporates some form of rap and/or hiphop inspired beats, which is far from anything TOOL have ever done... But that's not taking fans into the consideration of course. Seen them live four times, and I was very happy with each of these shows, though I did not end up near any of the kind of people you mentioned...
I did have a very hard time with Lateralus for a long time, and still count it as their second weakest album (Undertow have never been a hit for me, even though it was one of the albums you mentioned), but 10.000 Days was instant love. I think it ties very well in with what they were doing on Ænima; these are now my two favourites of the band.
The reason I was listening to them was that I just read that they are (already!) working on some new material, so I wanted to revisit the old stuff...

NP: TOOL // Stinkfist
Ha ha, none taken! Everyone's entitled to their opinion, I just wasn't sure what your's was ;)
I certainly wouldn't count TOOL as Nu-Metal either; for me that more or less always incorporates some form of rap and/or hiphop inspired beats, which is far from anything TOOL have ever done... But that's not taking fans into the consideration of course. Seen them live four times, and I was very happy with each of these shows, though I did not end up near any of the kind of people you mentioned...
I did have a very hard time with Lateralus for a long time, and still count it as their second weakest album (Undertow have never been a hit for me, even though it was one of the albums you mentioned), but 10.000 Days was instant love. I think it ties very well in with what they were doing on Ænima; these are now my two favourites of the band.
The reason I was listening to them was that I just read that they are (already!) working on some new material, so I wanted to revisit the old stuff...

NP: TOOL // Stinkfist

This is a debate that I've had with a lot of people, and I've finally decided that indeed Tool was a part of the nu-metal movement. Here's why I think that. They fit all of the criteria in the sense that they are a post-glam hard rock/metal band, that really stripped down their image and avoided all of the glam BS that was involved. Their first couple records remind me a lot of Helmet and Prong. I would even put Life of Agony into this movement.

I would honestly say that the three archetypal nu metal bands are actually: Korn, Tool and Rage Against the Machine. I think all of their bands have their up sides, though honestly Korn's is hard to see in retrospect. I think what happened was that metal dudes got excited about nu metal at first, I know I did, and then when it morphed into the hyper corporate hip hop blending bullshit that it became, we decided to remove a band like Tool or Life of Agony or Prong from the Nu Metal category because Nu Metal became a pejorative. How is that we can say that Godsmack is Nu Metal but Life of Agony isn't? Or that all of those Tool-clone bands (that I've lost count of) who all worked so hard to sound like Maynard were Nu Metal but Tool wasn't? I think it's just that we don't want to admit that Nu Metal had any upsides because it really is a major insult.

Tool being nu metal doesn't make them bad. It just dates them at a place in time. Of course, these arguments are pretty much arbitrary, but my definition of nu metal is one that I definitely stand by. I think nu metal was more characterized by a distaste for guitar solos and a more stripped down, tough guy attitude, heavy bass and drums than it was by the hip hop elements.

Also, looking forward to hearing the new Tool. I listen to them all, but I was mighty unimpressed with Lateralus and 10,000 Days. That one is definitely a listen before I buy proposition.

NP: MORE Anathema - Definitely the album I've been waiting for...
An interesting point of view definitely, and seeing it that way I can certainly relate to what you mean; the only misunderstanding (I think it was) is that I don't see nu-metal as a bad thing in general - it has its good bands as well as crappy ones, just as any other genre. My favourite genre would probably be folk-metal, but that does not mean I worship anything which calls itself folkmetal for instance, theres certainly a truckful of crap in this genre as well! But now I'm ranting, as well as moving of the mark a bit, ha ha! :D
However, I would still categorise TOOL as more experimental and progressive than nu-metal, but genre divisions are as diverse as there are people trying to use them. I'll just stick to what I normally say; "I listen to bands, not genres"

NP: Iron Maiden // Heaven Can Wait

This was my most anticipated album of 2010, and it definitely does not disappoint.
Oh my:

Rhapsody of Fire: Crystal Moonlight

YES!!!!! THEY'RE BACK!!!! And better than ever! This seems to be the best Rhapsody album in quite a few years (seven, to be precise). It's very similar to P(o)(t)DF!


Hail mighty Rhapsody!!! :headbang:

Wow there're some pretty sick solos, Luca has outdone himself. I like that the drumming is not monotonous, as is usually the case with Power bands.

I think Mr Angry Metal Guy gave the band a well deserved 100! I can't wait to have money to buy this album!!!