The New album is called Watershed : Out June 2nd

This is making my mouth dry...!!!

I wonder if he had Tennyson in mind with 'Lotus Eaters'...
More words from promo:

3. (8:48) Metal - Something that's never been tried before...sung vocals over blast beats. Toss in Per Wiberg's eerie keys and atmospheric guitars that melds into a pure Krautrock freakout that also reminisces Chic Corea at his most bombastic. Throughout the song it's riffs galore all slaked with both gorgeous singing and pure death metal growls. Listen for the "asylum murmuring" the end of the track.

4. (7:42) Deep Floyd - A truly beautiful moment that sounds like John Lord playing keys for Pink Floyd. A ballad with a powerful chorus. Fantastic guitar playing trails out at the end of the song. Listen hard for Mikael's moment of guitar whimsy.
Hell, Akercocke play an acoustic guitar over a blastbeat. It's not that unique - everything you can possibly do with the human voice, a guitar and a drumkit has already been done.
I both want to avoid these reviews and read everyone of them. dammit, so conflicted... At least I know no matter what I read it can't take away the surprise of actually hearing it.
can someone explain to me whats "cool" about blast beats? They usually sound pretty obnoxious when i hear them. Hopefully Opeth use them tastefully, as they tend to do with all things musically.