The New Edition

TheApostle said:
I believe the best part, aside from (Martin 'Bass Player' Mendez), was when Lopez was playing, and they were all comenting in the booth. "Nice!" "He really nailed that!" "Awesome!" ... then lopez stops playing and you imagine mikael hitting the button to talk to him... "that sucked... what the fuck were you thinking?"

something to that extent... ill have to give it another spin.

haha, yeah, I found that pretty funny.

The little diddy with per, mendez and lopez was awesome...they should do something like that on the next album (except, of course, itd be axe)

I think the documentary was purposefully geared towards Lopez a bit (if you think about it, he really does get a tremendous amount of time in it) due to the fact that he left/was on the verge of it.

and of course, Pers little bit about how much he hates being filmed :lol:
AnTz0r said:
not allowed... even not when they make you pay twice for the same cd?

1. Not allowed? That's correct.

2. If you already have "the same" disk with this content on it.... why would you need to d/l it?

3. I would immediately go to the police station and report the "They" that came to your house and put a gun to your head and forced you to buy anything.

Necromantic-Hiko said:
i think he meant the new artwork in the booklet, not necessarily the new cover art (which is technically only new because the booklet has the same cover, but its not a jewel case...and thus not visible)

i like the artwork for ghost of perdition and baying of the hounds.

That is what i meant, can sum 1 scan in sum new artwork! I really want to see it.
the Baying of the Hounds artwork is spectacular, really adds more to the song for me.
The doc is exactly 38 minutes.

According to this doc, it seems that Lopez toured a bit for Ghost Reveries, does anybody know exactly how long ?
Death_To_False_Metal said:
The doc is exactly 38 minutes.

According to this doc, it seems that Lopez toured a bit for Ghost Reveries, does anybody know exactly how long ?

Exactly? I don't. I do know he came to the U.S. for the SOTU tour and after a few dates was sent home to recover. I'm just not exactly sure how many shows he played or the exact date. sorry.
Mr. Niel said:
The 5.1 DTS mix is very, very nice.

The DTS mix was a bit quiet/clinical on my system, so I went for the DD mix and it nearly blew the fucking walls out...just the way it should be :kickass:
BurningSky said:
I thought it was a great doc. The improv with the martins and per was awesome and the fact that they called him Bass Player was a nice nod to the forum. Does anyone know what song is playing during the interlude that starts with "past meadow grounds.."?

That is a song by Michael Korge. Really.
RiffBoy said:
What! Where? Tell me, please!!

Yes, you can hear him (briefly) play the awesome drum intro for Deep Purple's 'Pictures of home'
- just when Mike has said something of Axe's earlier rock influences.
("Ian Paice" = the DP drummer)

No, it´s the intro of the song When, at Sticky Fingers in Gothenburg.
Neil-o-Mac said:
A few observations...

1) I think the cats are Mike's - I seem to remember that Mike has two cats, and the place the interview shots with Peter are filmed looks like Mike's digs, if I remember the Kerrang bit about Mike's flat right. Either that or Mike and Peter have very similar taste in decor and pets.

Oh, and the cat stealing Pete's spotlight in one of the interview segments was pretty funny.

2) Soldier of Fortune is probably some of Mike's best clean singing ever.

3) Seeing "Martin 'Bass Player' Mendez" made me smile.

4) Not the usual weather for a barbecue. Still, those kebabs looked tasty.

5) I wish I had room for 5.1 speakers.

Nope. It´s Peter´s cats.
Well, it´s Halloween and it´s suppose to be about a murderer, maybe I´ll put it on youTube or something.