The new pic thread

Ha, I was gonna buy that same T-shirt (green skulls) but there was a cooler design (same sort of glow-in-the-dark theme) which I puchased instead.

Great pics as usual DL1.

I have a pond near where I live and it grants no wishes. It is filled with all kinds of excrement and chared human remains. It doesn't reflect it's surroundings like yours does either Mags, but dogs enjoy swimming in it and getting mui malloliente.
some more from a little walk today... :)



and this is just in front of my house
Just wait til you get onto his policies. ;)
Also no offence intended, I just would have preferred a more moderate person for the job, rather than someone driving a wedge even further between the groups. Seems there is going to be a schism sooner or later. I would have preferred the Archbishop of Vienna.
@fireangel: i can assure you that it couldn't be farther from my mind, in this specific case, and also in this specific moment where other men are concerned. i just found the pic in a book i own and thought i'd post it.

@mags: i thought he looked drunk or something. :p
Dark_Jester said:
Seems there is going to be a schism sooner or later.

and who'd be schisming? i mean - which two groups?

i'm not making fun of you, i'm genuinely interested in your theory