The new pic thread

just testing something..


ok, here's the bigger version of this pic.
I rather like shooting flowers. They stand still, they come in fun colours and they usually turn out fine. Now sunsets I'm finding to be quite a challenge with digital... can't seem to get the colours to come out right... Ah well...

Yikes. An explosion of pic posts. So much to comment on...

@NL: Your flowers stand still? Ohhh, you're lucky. More often than not when I'm ready to snap there usually always seems to be a big gust of wind whipping up. :\ Nice rose shot. I haven't seen many so far this year and the ones I've seen don't look to good. They're sort of dry and crappy looking. We haven't had too much rain so the grass is brown, and flowers and trees are looking singed. :( We did have some rain yesterday (finally) but certainly not enough.

@idari: Finland must be a very beautiful place. The winter/summer tree shots are really cool! Thanks.

@DL1: Meh. I'm running out of superlatives, my dear. ;-)

@The Artificer: My sister has similar bright blue eyes without special contact lenses or other photo enhancements. The color looks a lot like yours.

@ALL: thanks for sharing your pics! :)
Human Desert said:
I'm not sure if Finland is that beautiful or if it's just my yard ;) Well, Finland is a beautiful country, but one of the most beautiful places here is my paradise.

Well, your yard is in Finland so it's both. It's a lovely paradise. :)
@idari: that's probably because it's a close-up. they weren't newly born ones, but they sure weren't big either.