The new pic thread

@KC: You look damn good, man :) Oh, and your musical influences and the way you described your music sounds interesting! *thumbs up*
hehe yes they are really cool, nice surroundings too!

finally got the pics from the testament show last thursday online

and here is the solo god himself:

susperia puts a spell on u hahaha
@DragonLady1: FanTASTIC pictures. Man, you got to see a lot of cool bands. Sweet! \m/

idari: Sorry I'm such a slowpoke with the responses. :erk: Thank you for the tattoo info. I'm a real tatt n00b because I've never considered getting one myself. I've even ranted about how much I don't care for excessive tattoos or piercings on other people but I think that's my own hangup and I've mellowed on that issue somewhat since then. Some friends and other people I know have them and, like skin or hair color, it doesn't necessarily change the person inside. Well, maybe it could if it gives them a better sense of self. Meh, I dunno. I don't think they're for me but I understand that folks can do whatever they want to themselves and I shouldn't bitch and moan because they do it and I don't personally care for it. That's like religious intolerance, which I think most would agree is baaaaad. ;-)

As for cats terrorizing squirrels... I believe it, but they're just doing what comes natural to them. This related story isn't about squirrels but it could be. I'm not sure if you've read about it since it's a regional story here in the Midwest. Some people in Wisconsin are trying to get the domestic cats' status changed which might lead to legislation making it legal to start shooting feral cats in that state, because the cats prey on songbirds! I love the birds too, but I'm not sure blowing away wild kitties is the answer to the problem. It's a sticky debate, the feral cat issue. I see a few roaming cats in my neighborhood but I'm not sure if they're feral. They're probably owned but loosely supervised, which is a philosophy on one side of the coin that needs to be considered. Bleh. Here's a link to a brief story on it:

Thinking about this stuff makes my brain hurt. :ill:
wildfyr said:
As for cats terrorizing squirrels... I believe it, but they're just doing what comes natural to them. This related story isn't about squirrels but it could be. I'm not sure if you've read about it since it's a regional story here in the Midwest. Some people in Wisconsin are trying to get the domestic cats' status changed which might lead to legislation making it legal to start shooting feral cats in that state, because the cats prey on songbirds! I love the birds too, but I'm not sure blowing away wild kitties is the answer to the problem. It's a sticky debate, the feral cat issue. I see a few roaming cats in my neighborhood but I'm not sure if they're feral. They're probably owned but loosely supervised, which is a philosophy on one side of the coin that needs to be considered. Bleh. Here's a link to a brief story on it:

Thinking about this stuff makes my brain hurt. :ill:
Ok now i'm pissed off. That's stupid. Instead of killing those poor things people could try to help them, but noooo, they're too selfish to do that. Argh. Then thousands of cats (who live in a normal family) will be killed just because someone sees them wandering around and decides that they're homeless.

Pictures from the zoo we went to the other day :)

The sleeping kangaroo is my favorite. Could he be any cuter?!
@DL1, Schwedentod, Siren, NL: Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Glad you like the rainbow shot. It's one of my favorites, too. Who knows, maybe some day I'll get a unicorn or ET pic. ;-)

idari: I LOVE all of the animal shots you took. Is that big cat a snow leopard? Yes, the little 'roo is extremely cute. :) Great pics! Thanks for posting them. Oh, and if you ever take any other fotos of the wildlife (outside the zoo) in your area, please post them here. I'd love to see them. :)