The News Thread

I'm a nerd and a half on some things, but never really got comics books. Especially now. Only animated super hero thing I ever liked as a kid was Batman: The Animated Series and showing it to my kids as an adult is kind of glass-shattering.
Comics are just scratching the surface of nerdery...even Magic cards are mild- try Gorka-Morka or Warhammer 40,000 lol. You had to have gotten beat up in middle school (a lot) to understand geek culture...this older kid took my Ninjak #1 foil cover, stuck it down his pants and "wiped his ass" with my cherished comic...pretty funny, really. Thats ok, he got arrested in his 20's for statutory rape
yea those valiant comics were expensive as fuck. Remember the Wizard price guides? :lol:

I also have The Punisher #1(1989), which is only worth around $50 the last time i checked. His first appearance in The Amazing Spider Man is where the moneys at. I also have a bunch of his War Zone stuff and the whole PunisherMAX run in hardcover.
I looked around and do have The Amazing Spider-Man 162 with Jigsaws first appearance (and Punisher) your #1 the "preview" edition? (I don't have that)
Last one, promise...IMG_1298.JPG ...gets surgically altered into a undercover black guy by a junkie-prostitute skank, then goes into the city to bust black drug dealers...gets pulled over the first hour by the cops for being black!!!...this is fucking Marvel!! Crazy...
I'm a nerd and a half on some things, but never really got comics books. Especially now. Only animated super hero thing I ever liked as a kid was Batman: The Animated Series and showing it to my kids as an adult is kind of glass-shattering.
very good series. Didn't appreciate it as much when i was a kid. Wouldn't mind owning the whole run if it's released on Blu-ray. The only animated comic book series i really liked was The X-Men, edit: oh and TMNT.

I looked around and do have The Amazing Spider-Man 162 with Jigsaws first appearance (and Punisher) your #1 the "preview" edition? (I don't have that)

I think 129 was his first appearance. Yellow cover with Spidey in his crosshairs.

I have the first issue that they gave him with his own name...
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Funny thing is i can actually go back and quote you for shitting on politics in comics, that's why i said "you;re gonna love this". But hey, you're being you.

So do it. [shrug]

My problem has always been shit writers trying to do politics. They all want to be Alan Moore but they seem to have the depth and subtlety of a shit-filled saucepan.

Also im pretty sure you guys had never even heard of them, but that 5 minute google search has turned you guys into experts.

Nah I already knew about them, I am subbed to a fair amount of trannies on Youtube, most of them are right-wing and they still discount them because they're often not very objective.
I went ahead and dredged up my position myself, as I said I don't mind politics in comic books even if I totally disagree with the politics, just as long as the writing is good:

I haven't read much of DC lately seeing as they've turned into a soulless mouthpiece of PC SJW bullshit in so many ways, from literally critiquing supposed sexual objectification to adding token minority characters and preaching about police violence towards young black men. And that's hardly the tip of the disfigured iceberg. These are comic books DC, not soap boxes for your grotesquely misinformed identarian horseshit.
It's pretty annoying yeah, but if it's done interestingly I can handle it. Not that I've encountered it yet actually.
Like I said, I've not personally come across anything PC, or that I've noticed anyway. But I'm sure it could be peppered in and done well.
I wouldn't be against a vague feminist arc for example.
I've never cared if something I enjoy has political biases, what's imperative is that it's done well and perhaps that it's more on the subtle/makes you think/reconsider personal views side and not the here is a gender swap and a bunch of brown people for no reason oh yeah and all the men will be dumb and incompetent because grrl power rawr side.

Right now I really like Geoff Johns and Garth Ennis.
The only good part maybe? Nah it wasn't that bad. But he's definitely become a boring politically autistic turd lately.

If you sacrifice writing for your agenda, you're a fucking hack.
Oh he's a super sappy SJW/feminist/leftist twat. I don't care about politically biased writers who put it in their stories, just don't hamfist it into oblivion ffs.

Anyway, we need to revive the comic book thread, I need to pick some brains again soon.
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yea i was about to say you were probably complaining about hamfisted politics. Political agendas do not belong in "traditional" comics that are still geared towards the younger generations. Watchmen is neither hamfisted nor geared towards youngsters, so i'll give you that.

For example, i dont mind a political backdrop in some of the more adult orientated comic's like PunisherMAX had. But Superman touching on topics that are currently causing a lot of turmoil in this country? No fucking way
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yea i was about to say you were probably complaining about hamfisted politics. Political agendas do not belong in "traditional" comics that are still geared towards the younger generations. Watchmen is neither hamfisted nor geared towards youngsters, so i'll give you that.

For example, i dont mind a political backdrop in some of the more adult orientated comic's like PunisherMAX had. But Superman touching on topics that are currently causing a lot of turmoil in this country? No fucking way

I can see that, I definitely tend to prefer more adult-oriented comic books anyway.
Unlike you and others I didn't grow up on comic books (but I had Spidey toys and stuff), they sort of happened to me in my late teens.
Damn hooligans, quoting me. Anyhow, the comic plague has only exacerbated. Not even The Shadow, a literal Randian objectivist, is safe anymore, thanks to Si Spurrier. Because, you know, we needed obnoxious "RESIST DRUMPF" bullshit slathered all over The Shadow. Also, let's have The Shadow, an objectivist, morally binary, criminal killing machine, lecture school shooters on their white privilege. Oh, and a token Latina quasi-protagonist who barks about misogyny and a subtle as nuclear genocide Trump stand in president character. Worst bastardization of a comic hero since Mark Waid's Daredevil.
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I went ahead and dredged up my position myself, as I said I don't mind politics in comic books even if I totally disagree with the politics, just as long as the writing is good:

Anyway, we need to revive the comic book thread, I need to pick some brains again soon.
+1 on a comic thread
Geeks are usually liberals at their core- superheroes normally represent some protection from bullies and since geeks write the comics and know real superheroes won't protect them, there's bound to be some liberal bleed through into comics...