The next superduperstars . . .


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Dreamlord said:

Jay, there are three types of underground bands, and I'm going to assume we're talking strictly abouit metal, not Britney Spears:

1. The underground band that sticks to their guns, and plays the music that got them their fans in the first place. They don't give a fuck about living off the band or moving into another place so he/she doesn't have to live with his/her sister anymore. THey put the fans ahead of money. This type of band will never make much money because many fans can't handle it, and there is zero chance of getting mainstream attention.

2. The underground band that starts off playing a more "popular" brand of metal (power metal, melo-death) and garner a fairly large fanbase from the beginning. I'm assuming these bands are doing it bewcause they love it, and not just jumping on the hype bandwagon, but there is no way to tell. I relly have no problem with these bands.

3. The underground metal band that started as a #1 or #2 band and then compromised their image/music/whatever to get a larger fanbase and thus, more money. These bands put money ahead of the fans which got them their in the first place. THese bands probably tasted the fruits of what money can bring, and decided that money is more important. Die-hard fans can spin it any way they want with the "the band evolved" shit, but c'mon, lets be serious.
So which bands meet this brilliant criteria you have listed above? I'm speechless...
Erik said:
Quality bands does not a good label make.
Errm...I'd think that quality bands have everything to do with how good a label is...I'm failing to see the logic here.
If I'm reading this right, Erik is saying that a band on a good label does not automatically render the band as a quality one.
Dreamlord said:
It shoud be fairly obvious...

Only to you, oh great one that is all knowing of extreme and uncompromising, un-dumbed down music. However, if you ask me, you can't get much more dumbed down than 2-3 chord sludge schlock like Goatsblood or Watchmaker.

dreamlord said:
If I'm reading this right, Erik is saying that a band on a good label does not automatically render the band as a quality one.

Just goes to show... you ain't reading right. That should be failry obvious.
Papa Josh said:
Only to you, oh great one that is all knowing of extreme and uncompromising, un-dumbed down music. However, if you ask me, you can't get much more dumbed down than 2-3 chord sludge schlock like Goatsblood or Watchmaker.
Well, I didn't ask you. Now go listen to Manowar, but make sure no other dudes are around or you might feel the need to reach over and give him a hand.

Just goes to show... you ain't reading right. That should be failry obvious.
It's "fairly". If you're going to try to insult me, at least use correct spelling.
Hey. Somebode voted for Lacuna Coil. I saw their video last weekend. That male singer really pisses me off. The Gathering is infintely better . . . even though their music is vastly different these days.
Dreamlord said:
Well, I didn't ask you. Now go listen to Manowar, but make sure no other dudes are around or you might feel the need to reach over and give him a hand.

It's "fairly". If you're going to try to insult me, at least use correct spelling.

Dude don't even try to battle me here, you will ALWAYS lose. I can go through this thread and find numerous instances where your spelling or grammar was less than perfect. In fact, how about that thread that's called... "What does everything think about Saddam being captured?"

I believe that's "everyone," fool.

And I'm still waiting for the bands that meet your criteria...

What's a matter... blowing smoke out of your ass like usual?

If you can't take the heat, go back to the deadlands.. also known as Appropriate Apocalypse.
What's a matter? Shouldn't that be what's the matter? That's a mistake, wtf wtf.
Papa Josh said:
And I'm still waiting for the bands that meet your criteria...

What's a matter... blowing smoke out of your ass like usual?
Not at all. I just expect someone who (apparently) knows a lot about metal to already know what I'm talking about.

If you can't take the heat, go back to the deadlands.. also known as Appropriate Apocalypse.
I don't write for AA anymore, so try again please.
Papa Josh said:
Actually, it was thought out more along the lines of Whataburger, where the sound "uh" is spelled "a," it's a southern thing, I guess.

So, what's uh matter... kinda (< perfect illustration) like how a mother would coo a baby.

Satire. But, okay. :)
Ok time to close this thread. :hypno:

Final results of poll and thread show that Arch Enemy are going to be the next superduperstars, which can only prove that they truly are the sellouts that everyone deems them to be, but amidst those restless nights and secret wet dreams of millionairess Angela Gossow stradling over us to the pop sounds of "Ravenous", Nevermore should be getting more money and mainstream success because they deserve to tour with Metallica and keep their integrity intact by buying more CDs on eBay.

Or something like that.... :loco:

And for those of you interested in purchasing Arch Enemy's latest album, the biggest selling Century Media CD in history (in case you hadn't heard, wink wink nudge nudge say no more, ooh your wife like cricket does she?), and entitled "Anthems of Rebellion", the limited edition *gasp* can be found at for only $10, I kid thee not, but if you ask npearce nicely enough, he might sell you his extra copy for $9. Only ever been played once! :cool:

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