The no digital camera rule.....

Emerald Sword said:
I agree. Discuss all you want. But, if Glenn says digital cameras jeopardize certain elements of the festival, why push the issue? Why not take his word at face value?

Beacause the fans are paying for his $100,000 + festival.
Exactly zekeyou. The ability to photograph has been icing on an over-iced cake. I am not allowed to bring a camera to any of my local events. I think that we have had it very good, for a long time at PP.
zekeyou said:
I understand people wanting to take pictures, but "No Cameras" is pretty standard at most shows (unless it's a verrrry small club). No camera phones, no disposable point and shoot, nothing.....That's been the norm for me at various clubs in the many different cities I've attended shows in....

That is a good point... But prog power is not the same thing :) Taking
Harvester said:
Barking Pumpkin,

The list goes on and on, but I think you get my point. As for the "everywhere" bit, compare bootlegs to illegal downloading. It's everywhere, but does that make it right if the bands do not want it?

Glenn H.

Illegal downlaoding and copying cd's is a MUCH MUCH bigger problem than bootlegging. It is not right, but I wish bands would care as much about dowloading and copying as much as you portray them to care about bootlegging. I am not saying that any of it is right - but they are fighting the wrong battle.
thesungoesdown said:
Beacause the fans are paying for his $100,000 + festival.

I agree. I guess this year will be the ultimate test eh? If the show sells out again, then the fans have spoken on what they are willing to do..or not do. If it only sells 50% out, then digital cameras do belong as they are a bigger deal than the actual roster.

Glenn H.
Emerald Sword said:

I think since fans are paying $100+ for a ticket they have a right to discuss something that is directly affecting them. It may not change anything but it can maybe shed some light in the way Glenn is thinking.
Harvester said:
I agree. I guess this year will be the ultimate test eh? If the show sells out again, then the fans have spoken on what they are willing to do..or not do. If it only sells 50% out, then digital cameras do belong as they are a bigger deal than the actual roster.

Glenn H.

If it drops 50% I don't think there would be a next year.
....but really .....that doesn't even make sense. you go to prog power because you love the music, no? okay so that was an ASSumption. so Glenn says "NO DIGITAL CAMERAS" and you don't go to prog power that year? um? no. you still go because you are attending because of the music not because of the pictures you take with your digital camera. the only people who would not attend because of that rule would be the people who are ONLY there to bootleg and maybe a few cry babies here and there who are trying to prove a point. which again, doesn't even make sense. you go for the music -whether you can take pictures or not (last time i checked pictures don't play music)- you are there to enjoy the music and time with friends you may not see all year long.

when Glenn bans the music and friends i'll be all over his ass too but until then i don't see the attendance dropping ESPECIALLY by 50% .........
Some of you need to realize that you're paying $100 for the concert, not the ability to negotiate with the host.

So many major concerts and venues don't allow camera's, and now you're all going anal over this. The few ruin it for the many. That's life. I'm sure you all have amazing reasons and rationals behind wanting to use digital cameras, but in the end - it's Glenn choice.

If you don't like the rule - don't buy the ticket and/or don't go (GB holders).

Let someone who cares more about the fact that they're seeing 10 awesome bands get the ticket then someone who wants to use their digital camera. He hasn't outlawed all camera's, so work around it and follow his rules.

The problem is that he let digital camera's in the first place. Since he allowed it once, it has become an issue since he's taken it away. I've seen stuff like this happen many times where I work - where you give people something as an extra or bonus, but then take it away later. They go ape shit over the fact that you're being 'unfair'.

It would've been better for Glenn if he had just stated - no digital camera's since PP1. This is nothing new at concerts about no photography - to act like it shows that many of us are 'spoiled' in some way or the other.
Barking Pumpkin said:
*start flaming the 15-year-old who doesn't know shit about shit and thinks Ark are power metal now* :)



You've always been respected and villified for your opinions on this forum, this point...shut the fuck up!

As for Bryant...damn...I thought I was the only one that got drunk and talked shit on this forum...(I bet he's regretting it now...)

Man...this is completely out of hand.

For the record...I am not a pic taker. I bring the camera every's more of a pain-in-the-ass than anything...I have a $1000 dig-camera...the pics always come out like shit...or I forget about taking them cuz I'm so absorbed in the experience.

Man...this whole PPUSA scene is getting so fucking spoiled...

The whole point of this festival is to promote Metal that normally doesn't get exposure in the States. Other than that...who gives a fuck?

Whether the price of beer quadruples...or cameras get banned...or a shirt-and-tie dress code go into effect...or it goes to 21+ age and over...respect the scene!...respect the music!...respect the man!

Either support the scene or shut the fuck up and get out of the way!

Damn...I'm just so disillusioned by the whole thing...

(Normally, I would say Rock guys just plain suck!)

Rock on, anyways!
Nightmare1z said:
Some of you need to realize that you're paying $100 for the concert, not the ability to negotiate with the host.

Good point. Input is welcome, but not necessarily used if I feel it could hurt the show or myself immediately or in the long run. On a related note, I piss the bands off just as much as some of you here. I have to protect your interest as well and they don't like it sometimes. That's the part you don't hear about.

Glenn H.
ashaman7122 said:
Whether the price of beer quadruples...or cameras get banned...or a shirt-and-tie dress code go into effect...or it goes to 21+ age and over...respect the scene!...respect the music!...respect the man!

I think if it went 21 and up Glenn would have one hell of an angry mudhsark on his hands!:tickled:
thesungoesdown said:
Illegal downlaoding and copying cd's is a MUCH MUCH bigger problem than bootlegging. It is not right, but I wish bands would care as much about dowloading and copying as much as you portray them to care about bootlegging. I am not saying that any of it is right - but they are fighting the wrong battle.

it's a bigger problem for commercialized trend bands/artists/groups. However it helps the prog/power scene. You are looking at one of the most dedicated fanbases to any form of music on earth! How many cd's do all the people have on this board? How much of their weekly paycheck goes to cd's? I download all the time, but I always end up buying the stuff, just like alot of the fanbase does, how do you think we found alot of these bands (that mainly refers to the younger crowd). If it wasn't for Audiogalaxy and Napster I wouldn't even be on this board.
dargormudshark said:
I think if it went 21 and up Glenn would have one hell of an angry mudhsark on his hands!:tickled:

I know, Andrew...but that's beside the point...we would find a way to smuggle you in...or you would be onstage anyway entertaining the masses.

Please remember...I was the one that got busted buying you booze during the pre-party...just don't mention that to anyone...haha!

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
Whether the price of beer quadruples...or cameras get banned...or a shirt-and-tie dress code go into effect...or it goes to 21+ age and over...respect the scene!...respect the music!...respect the man!

Umm.....we are respecting the scene, the music, and the man. :)
Nightmare1z said:
Some of you need to realize that you're paying $100 for the concert, not the ability to negotiate with the host.

So many major concerts and venues don't allow camera's, and now you're all going anal over this. The few ruin it for the many. That's life. I'm sure you all have amazing reasons and rationals behind wanting to use digital cameras, but in the end - it's Glenn choice.

If you don't like the rule - don't buy the ticket and/or don't go (GB holders).

Let someone who cares more about the fact that they're seeing 10 awesome bands get the ticket then someone who wants to use their digital camera. He hasn't outlawed all camera's, so work around it and follow his rules.

The problem is that he let digital camera's in the first place. Since he allowed it once, it has become an issue since he's taken it away. I've seen stuff like this happen many times where I work - where you give people something as an extra or bonus, but then take it away later. They go ape shit over the fact that you're being 'unfair'.

It would've been better for Glenn if he had just stated - no digital camera's since PP1. This is nothing new at concerts about no photography - to act like it shows that many of us are 'spoiled' in some way or the other.

It's not about negotiating - it is merely discussing the pros and cons of a digital camera ban and if it will in effect get rid of bootlegging.
Why do so many people find it necessary to suck Glenn's ass? Aren't people allowed to disagree and discuss points with the promoter since in the end the people that buy tix are directly affected? I would never say "fuck you" to Glenn - that post was very uncalled for but where is the problem with some people disagreeing with Glenn? I think it is great he actively posts on threads and can have a pleasant discussion about something that will affect every ProgPower attendee in the future? I have a lot of respect for Glenn - It takes a shitload of work to have the fest - but I question the solution to his potential problem.
I am done...
ashaman7122 said:
I know, Andrew...but that's beside the point...we would find a way to smuggle you in...or you would be onstage anyway entertaining the masses.

Please remember...I was the one that got busted buying you booze during the pre-party...just don't mention that to anyone...haha!

Rock on![/QU

funny joke, that didn't happen.
thesungoesdown said:
It's not about negotiating - it is merely discussing the pros and cons of a digital camera ban and if it will in effect get rid of bootlegging.
Why do so many people find it necessary to suck Glenn's ass? Aren't people allowed to disagree and discuss points with the promoter since in the end the people that buy tix are directly affected? I would never say "fuck you" to Glenn - that post was very uncalled for but where is the problem with some people disagreeing with Glenn? I think it is great he actively posts on threads and can have a pleasant discussion about something that will affect every ProgPower attendee in the future? I have a lot of respect for Glenn - It takes a shitload of work to have the fest - but I question the solution to his potential problem.
I am done...
