The no digital camera rule.....

dargormudshark said:
ashaman7122 said:
I know, Andrew...but that's beside the point...we would find a way to smuggle you in...or you would be onstage anyway entertaining the masses.

Please remember...I was the one that got busted buying you booze during the pre-party...just don't mention that to anyone...haha!

Rock on![/QU

funny joke, that didn't happen.

Exactly my point...didn't worth mentioning...


Rock on!
Barking Pumpkin said:
Umm.....we are respecting the scene, the music, and the man. :)

Not too sure about that...but I wouldn't want to be accused of "sucking Glenn's ass", as someone else so eloquently put it...
By the way...I've noticed in these threads that it's so popular to (essentially) tell someone to go "fuck themselves"...only to turn around and defend their position by retorting "I'm only expressing how I feel...and that's not wrong..."

Ya know...don't be such an it like you see it...if you're gonna spew some bile and venom, at least be man enough to stand behind it...

Don't just talk shit and then say, "Well, I really didn't mean to disrespect the man in his own house..."

(Getting more disillusioned by the moment...)
As PP fans/attendees, we are lucky to have someone like Glenn running the show who actually DOES accept advice, criticism, and is willing to openly discuss many personal and business aspects of running his show. He sure as hell doesnt owe any of us that.

But of course, you give someone an inch, and they want a foot...or in this case, ten feet.
Harvester said:
I agree. I guess this year will be the ultimate test eh? If the show sells out again, then the fans have spoken on what they are willing to do..or not do. If it only sells 50% out, then digital cameras do belong as they are a bigger deal than the actual roster.

Glenn H.
:worship: Awesome response! :Spin:

I can't believe I haven't posted on thi topic yet. Personally, I like being able to use the digi since it saves ME money and I have instant access to the pics. They're smaller, and easier to deal with, IMO. However, if Glenn says no digital photography, then (as others have stated) so be it. It's his fest, his money, his ass on the line. Honestly, if it really bothers some of you that much, don't go this year. Maybe it'll be easier to book a room. :)
I'll probably pry my Olympus Stylus out of my tackle box and use it at PPVII (providing I can get the "fish" smell off it). I guess this is part of being in the "must have instant gratification" society we live in. I'll wait to have film developed. The pics won't be nearly as good as the Canon digi, but at least I'll have pics. Count me in as one person who is more interested in the roster than whatever pics I'll be taking. Does the digi ban suck? Of course it does!
Does Glenn suck for imposing the ban? Fuck no. Blame it on the assholes who wrecked it this year. I think their names should be published, and their lives made miserable for it, but that's just me....
WOW, hot topic

Entirely the promoters call.

If he feels it jeopardizes his investment, or his ability to get the best talent available, than he has no other choice than to ban camera's.

It is, or was, a priveledge to be able to take pictures. It surely isn't the reason anybody goes to ProgPower, Of course it is the music. But it is pretty cool to get that picture with John Oliva and Chris Caffery, or Kai Hansen, or PC69.

The sad part is......

There will still be bootlegs of the show each and every year. We all know that.

as this festival grows each year, much and most of the special "perks" that many of us have enjoyed from this festival are being lost, and I don't pretend to know if that can be helped or not, But I do know it is kinda sad, because those are the sort of things that made this festival so special to so many people.

I gotta ask a question of Glenn tho

When will the Gold Badge outlive its usefullness?

I do understand it gives you working capital to produce the show, and the show has always well worth every dollar spent to attend. so I personally dont mind purchasing my ticket 6 or 8 months in advance.

But since we are all being honest here, A gold badge doesn't really do much more than get you in the door ahead of the line, which is definately worth something.
ashaman7122 said:
By the way...I've noticed in these threads that it's so popular to (essentially) tell someone to go "fuck themselves"...only to turn around and defend their position by retorting "I'm only expressing how I feel...and that's not wrong..."

Ya know...don't be such an it like you see it...if you're gonna spew some bile and venom, at least be man enough to stand behind it...

Don't just talk shit and then say, "Well, I really didn't mean to disrespect the man in his own house..."

(Getting more disillusioned by the moment...)

If it works for Dick Cheney, it's good enough for me. ;)
Barking Pumpkin said:
Respectfully, I don't think that's the responsibility of the festival attenders. People already pay a LOT to attend this festival, and they feel like they are entitled to be able to use digital cameras.

How many other significant concerts and venues have you gone to that allow you to use cameras, digital or otherwise?

Do you feel they too are obligated to let you use a camera as well if you paid $25 to see an international act?
Angrafan said:
I don't understand the ban...I don't understand how it damages prog power...

Then you have never spent a full year planning all the details for an international music festival as Glenn has done the last six years just to see some bastard cash in on your hard work.

Same thing for the bands. They do all the work over the years to get to the point where they play big gigs only to have some fucking parasite videotape their concert and sell it with no reimbursement to the band.

Telling Glenn and the bands to just give up on catching bootleggers because you can't catch them all is like telling the police to ignore all the bank alarms in town because there will always be a few crooks who escape with the money...therefore, why even bother trying to catch the other 95% who would have been caught. After all, it's probably not your hard-earned money that they stole anyways.
I didn't say anything about giving up. There were lots of security there this year........and from what was posted this year several people had stories of them not being very harsh on people who were taping.

Personally, no one in our familiy even has a digital camera. I think Prog-Power is more than just the average $25 concert. It's not just any hoodlums who attend. :p International bands, big money, and as voiced by lots of people at this forum, people want to have digital cameras, especially since they've been allowed in the past.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I've seen bootlegs of five of those seven bands online recently, and I'm sure I could find the other two if I looked.

Just because the bootlegs were released, does it mean that the bootlegs were authorized by these bands?
I think it's pretty funny that people bitch about paying, what was it last year, $90 to see 10 bands. That's $45 per day with 5 bands each day. Of course, not every band appeals to everybody, but the same can be said when you go to the local venue to see three bands, and still pay around $50. I think $90 for PP is a steal. Hell, I think the gold badges are a steal. I think it's a good deal even when you add in the $400+ for airfare for YardleyBates and I; $500 for the hotel; and probably another $700 for food, alcohol, t-shirts, and cds.

If you travel to see this show, how can you complain about the cost? Before you go bitching about being a student, or not making much, know that I lost my job in July and we still did the Gold Badge thing anyway. It's important to us, so we're willing to pay the cash.

If it's not worth it to you, and you think that being able to use a digital camera is that important, please feel free to pass on the show (don't follow Bryant's example and curse out Glenn though). No biggie.

Besides, we picked up a Canon Elph on eBay for $10. It takes great pictures, and uses film. We're ready for PPVII (whether I have a new job or not).
Because there the band apparently didn't feel strongly enough about bootleg possiblities not to play then, why do they suddenly need the special anti-bootleg princess treatment for Prog-Power and digital cameras MUST be banned or they can't possibly perform? I'm not on Glenn's case, but on the bands.

Someone mentioned the life lesson of the wrongs of the few get dealt to the many earlier. Well......another one is that no matter what you do someone will be there to rip you off. Get over it. It doesn't mean don't try to keep people from bootleging, but it doesn't mean be prissy and demand that digital cameras be banned for people who are paying hundreds of dollars to be there.

I will point out that in all five situations, no money was trading hands. By the fans, for the fans. 95% of the bootlegging community is legit.
Nightmare1z said:
The problem is that he let digital camera's in the first place. Since he allowed it once, it has become an issue since he's taken it away.

Exactly. And then nobody thanks for him for permitting digital photography during the first six years of the best metal fest in the USA. So Glenn, what have you done for us lately? :loco:
Bootlegging doesn't refer to taping shows and selling them on Ebay, as umm.....everyone on this forum would have you believe. The vast majority is where fans tape shows, and then they trade/distribute those shows among other fans. Ever heard of "tape trading?" Well, that's what it is. Now that the internet is around, it's just a little different. :p As a rule, no money exchanges hands, and it's supposed to be done on the honor system of getting the okay to tape from the band (of course that doesn't always happen). It's only the bad apples who do the taping and sell the things. That's illegal.

And for every prissy technology-paranoid band/person (Glenn Danzig) who don't like them, there is a band who supports them. Two big names would be Iron Maiden and Dream Theater.

I'm not saying I support the bootleggers at Prog-Power, they shouldn't be doing it, and it's highly obnoxious of them that Glenn felt he had to remove digital camera privileges because of it.
ashaman7122 said:
Don't just talk shit and then say, "Well, I really didn't mean to disrespect the man in his own house..."

Same thing for the "you just didn't understand my sense of humor..." excuse after senselessly blasting a band or member. :Smug:
I'll just take a bit of tension away from the situation for a moment. ^_^
