The Norwegian Thread

goddamit, I had to restart my computer, soz...

I had some shitty wine cooler and rum. I have peach schnopps (sp?) but I'm saving those for some other time.
sorry if I'm being picky, but technically speaking, wouldn't

Jeg vil ikke gjerne = I do not want


Jeg vill ikke ha = I will not have

the infinitive is the verb in it's basic form.

a reise (to travel)
a ha (to have)
a komme (to come)

Present tense
Jeg reiser (I travel)
Jeg har (I have)
Jeg kommer (I come)

Future tense
Jeg skal reise (I shall travel)
John vil ha (John will have)
Bente skal komme (Bente shall come)

So notice the rule for the present tense: you simply add an "r" to the end of the infinitive, no matter if it's you, he, she, they, john, etc.
And for the future tense, you just need a helping verb like
skal, vil, kan or ma.
Thanks for the help, what does kan and ma mean?
instead of just writing a(å), o(ø), and e?(æ), or whatever you do, try using the old system instead: aa=å oe=ø and ae=æ

makes it easier to read, and its still accepted in some level in norway :p At least, somewhat.
Heldige jævler! Jeg bor i spania, savner snøen drit mye. ._.
Skal kanskje... bare kanskje, til norge i vinterferien og møte gamle venner. :D

Fytti, hva faen gjør du der? Bare gamlinger og FRP som bor der, neither is good D:... Pell deg tilbake hit! Er deilig hos meg, 10 minus, strålende sol og en 30-40cm med snø. Jee

you are sick of norwegian? why?

Ah thats not what he/she said :p It's an expression, where the word "sykt" could be replaced by "bloody" or "fucking", in english. Like say; I'm so fucking norwegian!

To which i replied; ?? More than usual?

^Depends on how you use it.

I'll give you some examples.

A great storm is approaching our shores.
En stor storm nærmer seg kystene våre.

The dinner was great.
Middagen var god.

Alexander the Great.
Alexander den store.