The Norwegian Thread

Fytti, hva faen gjør du der? Bare gamlinger og FRP som bor der, neither is good D:... Pell deg tilbake hit! Er deilig hos meg, 10 minus, strålende sol og en 30-40cm med snø. Jee
Nei nei! Det er ikke bare gamlinger her, det fins faktisk flere norske skoler her! To stykk i mitt område, så har jeg hørt om flere og besøkt en annen.
Det er mange gamle her, men de ser jeg nesten aldri på grunn av at de bor på sånn rart gamle hjem. :lol:
Nei nei! Det er ikke bare gamlinger her, det fins faktisk flere norske skoler her! To stykk i mitt område, så har jeg hørt om flere og besøkt en annen.
Det er mange gamle her, men de ser jeg nesten aldri på grunn av at de bor på sånn rart gamle hjem. :lol:

D: Landssvik.
I just wanna test run some of the things I've learned so far. I wanna see if I can structure sentences properly and so forth, and since you guys are so helpful, I thought maybe you could point out my mistakes.

Jeg vil gjerne reiser til Norge og ser mange pene fjeller og fjorder. Jeg vil gjerne aa moete dere saa vi kan har som oel paa puben :D. I somer vi kan ser den midnight solen og i vinter vi kan ser the polar lights. Hvor bor dere? Jeg vil gjerne aa bo i Bergen. Det er veldig sen her i California saa je skal gaa sove naa. god natt :)
well all i can say is that it was pretty good :).But one things for sure in my book the midnight sun is always better then the winters 6 hour light days.I didnt know you could see the polar lights in norway
^ er du norsk?? I never knew! and yes, I've heard/read that the polar lights can be seen at the very northern region in norway. it's supposed to be a stunningly beautiful sight.
^nope,im part dansk :).It must be awesome for the people who have that experience to watch such great shows in the night.The most ive ever seen of a spectacle was watching mount everest from a jet flying low haha.
Jeg vil gjerne reise til Norge og se mange pene fjell og fjorder. Jeg vil gjerne moete dere saa vi kan ta noen oel paa puben :D. Om sommeren kan vi se midnattssolen og om vinteren kan vi se nordlyset. Hvor bor dere? Jeg vil gjerne bo i Bergen. Det er veldig sent her i California saa jeg skal gaa og sove naa. god natt :)

Fixed. :]
I must say, you're doing pretty good. :)

^ er du norsk?? I never knew! and yes, I've heard/read that the polar lights can be seen at the very northern region in norway. it's supposed to be a stunningly beautiful sight.

Actually, it can be seen all across the country (I've seen it once!), but it appears more often in the North.
^ er du norsk?? I never knew! and yes, I've heard/read that the polar lights can be seen at the very northern region in norway. it's supposed to be a stunningly beautiful sight.

You mean aurora? Even in Finland where i live we see it. It's awesome...I don't even live that much to the north. Everytime i go a bit north i seem to encounter some though...It's fucken awesome!
^ er du norsk?? I never knew! and yes, I've heard/read that the polar lights can be seen at the very northern region in norway. it's supposed to be a stunningly beautiful sight.

You can make out very very faint northern lights on clear cold nights, about 4 hours north from here.

They look thin clouds, but they sort of have this wave pattern to them in the sky. No colour, and it was almost impossible to tell they were moving, but it was still pretty cool. I figured even Southern Norway was high up enough to see them.
At Mystique: How are you going about learning Norwegian? I still need to learn a few more words, verbs, especially Av(what's that mean). I know og is and and am learning genealogical words at the moment. Just like me learning guitar, I'm self teaching myself Norwegian.
Jeg vil gjerne reise til Norge og se mange pene fjell og fjorder. Jeg vil gjerne moete dere saa vi kan ta noen oel paa puben . Om sommeren kan vi se midnattssolen og om vinteren kan vi se nordlyset. Hvor bor dere? Jeg vil gjerne bo i Bergen. Det er veldig sent her i California saa jeg skal gaa og sove naa. god natt

Fixed. :]
I must say, you're doing pretty good. :)
thank you for the corrections! but I have a couple of questions:
- shouldn't I say "og ser mange pene fjeller because ser = see in the present tense and fjeller = plural for mountain?
- what is wrong with the expression "vi kan har som oel"?

Actually, it can be seen all across the country (I've seen it once!), but it appears more often in the North.
that's lovely. I hope to see it next winter :)

At Mystique: How are you going about learning Norwegian? I still need to learn a few more words, verbs, especially Av(what's that mean). I know og is and and am learning genealogical words at the moment. Just like me learning guitar, I'm self teaching myself Norwegian.
same here, I'm teaching myself also. I went to the library and this is the book I found:

I just read the reviews on amazon, and this is the best book you can get to teach yourself. Although I haven't tried out any other books, this one is definitely very good. You read the dialogues and are introduced to new vocabulary, and then go over the lessons in grammar and do some exercises for practice. there are 2 cds it comes with so you can listen to the dialogues as well and get a sense of the pronunciation (which is kinda difficult actually). So yeah, I'd definitely suggest that you get this book.
thank you for the corrections! but I have a couple of questions:
- shouldn't I say "og ser mange pene fjeller" because ser = see in the present tense and fjeller = plural for mountain?

No, that would be wrong. If a sentense is in future tense, the verb should be written in infinitive. Examples:

-Jeg vil danse.
-John skal spille gitar.

And "fjell" is the same in plural. I don't really know a rule for that, so I can't explain why it is like that.

- what is wrong with the expression "vi kan har som oel"?

Well... It just doesn't make much sense. "som" does not mean some, it means as/like etc.