The "Not-Metal" Thread.


Oct 9, 2006
I've just noticed that there's been loads of discussions about various genres of music scattered across many different threads recently. So I thought I'd make a thread where people can discuss whatever artists they've gotten into or enjoy who aren't Metal all in one thread.

I'm well aware that it's pretty likely that a thread for this purpose already exists, but hey I haven't seen one so it probably died ages ago.

Thanks to a recommendation from a friend I've recently found Justice to be pretty awesome:


They have a pretty abrasive sound, very dirty synths.

Especially in this song, it's almost too much :lol:


I just ignore the overly Christian logo the band has, hey almost all their music has no lyrics anyway.
Guy from jiu-jitsu that loves hip hop got me into Hieroglyphics. This is GOOD hip-hop.

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Found Zircon recently too, much less angry and more mellow at times than a lot of the electronic music I listen to

Listen to "System" it's great especially after about 2:05.
im not gonna post videos because 1. i dont know how and 2. i sard
so ill just say it..i love alot of non metal bands...
Pearl Jam is actually one of my all time favorite bands...
I like Det Som's hip-hop sample style more than Kevin's. A rare miss for Kevin.

Moon and the Nightspirit is awesome. Heard them before but for some reason never bought the album. About to change that now.

With Tenhi and their ilk coming up, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Of The Wand And The Moon so here goes... Enjoy!

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