The Obama Youth


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004

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Lawyers, architects, and engineers...OH MY!!

Lol. Youtube deleted it and said the user did. Here's another one.

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"Yo yo yo! Sieg Heil, Muthafuckas!"


that's what i was thinking. the last time a group of youngsters was rounded up and thoroughly 'programmed' for the cause, something like 6 million Jews were 'cleansed' from society.
Ah, I thought this was another video. Theres one floating around with a bunch of really little kids (I'm guessing kindergardners-4th graders) singing a song for Obama.

i found several versions of it. totally sick, but i must say, when i found this 'fixed' version, i had to laugh.

as we all know anyone can put anything, write anything on the internet
so what does any of above mean? looks like something Karl Rove would do
as we all know anyone can put anything, write anything on the internet
so what does any of above mean? looks like something Karl Rove would do

yes. i'm absolutely sure Karl Rove is behind this. :Smug:
About the singing kids video. There was something about it on TV a few weeks ago. If I remember correctly, the girl that put together the whole thing, is a school teacher, but the video/song itself was not endorsed by whatever school she works for, or even if the kids in the video go to said school. I probably fucked some of that up I really don't feel like looking it up at the moment so if I'm wrong somebody can correct me.
ignorance is no substitute for caution.
Not familiar with the cultural history of Stepping, huh? It's only been around since the mid-20th century. Please excuse me while I go back to laughing at your ignorance and irrational fear...
Not familiar with the cultural history of Stepping, huh? It's only been around since the mid-20th century. Please excuse me while I go back to laughing at your ignorance and irrational fear...

i absolutely do know about 'stepping' but to do so while chanting about Obama is kind of freaky.
and do these young men really mean that if it hadnt been for Obama, they wouldnt have been inspired to do anything with their lives?